Deja Vu
DK is running this rather amusing picture of Hillary Clinton:

Which is rather droll, but not 100% realistic I fear. Mainly because I saw this picture a few years ago of the incumbent President:

Labels: Bush, Clinton, Tasteless Humour
"...I'm not a schemer. I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are..."
DK is running this rather amusing picture of Hillary Clinton:
Labels: Bush, Clinton, Tasteless Humour
The Diana Inquiry has found no evidence that Duke of Edinburgh, or MI6, had anything to do with the death of Princess Diana. I cannot be alone in thinking "you reckon? I could have told you that a loooong time ago." After all, any woman, being driven at high speed through Paris by a drunk driver, is at risk. And when said drunk driver hits a concrete block, and said woman isn't wearing a seat belt, you don't need an assassin. At the risk of being brutal, simple physics will intervene and kill.
Labels: Diana, Dignity (Lack of)
Ivan Lewis, a Nu Labour Minister:
"But we have been in government 11 years and instead of being on the side of the people, too often we simply defend the status quo, even when it is unacceptable. It is right we focus on the great challenges of climate change, globalisation, security and poverty at home and abroad and the nature of public service reform. However, we are too often silent on the daily realities facing hard-working families."
The emphasis is mine.
Of course, this assessment doesn’t go far enough for me. It lacks the words "thieving", "bastard", "arrogant" and "cunts" for a start. But as a condemnation from a politician, it is quite damning. And as a comment from a Nu Labour minister, it is staggering. They know they are tired and old. Yet in May, and at the next election, they will expect us to vote for them.
If you agree with Ivan, let him know. Vote for someone else the next time you get the chance to vote.
Labels: Nu Labour, Un-fricking-believable., Worthless Cunts
Yes, oh yes, sausages are the new evil that will, in full on Daily Mail style, give you cancer. But it is not just sausages that may kill you through consumption. Oh no. As some medical type (referred to as "Prof" by The Metro, natch) notes:
'Whether you are talking about bacon, ham or pastrami, the safest amount to eat is none at all. You can make a positive difference by cutting out as much as possible.'Jesus H Christ, I will never have another sausage again! Or ham! Or Pastrami! I wonder whether Spam is okay? Fucking hell, I think we all need to know whether Spam is ok! How come the Prof didn’t mention Spam? It has got some ham in, but loads of other stuff as well. We need to know whether it is ok! There are going to be hundreds of processed meat obsessives, following the advice of the Professor, desperately seeking Spam as a substitute for processed meat! And the negligent fucker didn’t even bother to tell us whether it is ok to eat Spam. What a cunt.
"Eating just one sausage or three rashers of bacon a day can increase the risk of developing bowel cancer by a fifth, it is being claimed."At first, it sounds like not a lot. But sit down and work it out. One sausage a day is 7 sausages a week. Or 365 a year. Three rashers of bacon a day is 21 a week, 1092 a year! 1457 bits of processed meat a year increases your risk of bowel cancer. No, really? Crazy stuff.
What the fucking hell has happened to the BBC News website? It looks like it has been redesigned for simple people with poor eyesight. I haven’t seen such a poor redesign since I changed the template for this blog just before Christmas!
"I felt that (a musical audition programme) was essentially a 13-week promotion for a musical - where's our 13-week programme?"Yeah, it probably was a promotion for the musical. I haven’t watched any of these endlessly tedious audition shows. To be honest I would rather destroy my own eyes with hydrochloric acid than sit through 40 minutes of precocious, talentless, attention seeking fuck faces screaming/whining/squawking/doing-anything-other-than-singing their way through a collection of musical standards that make me wish for the long, slow death of Andrew Lloyd-Webber. However, someone, somewhere finds these sort of shows entertaining. Believe or not, millions of people do. I don’t know why - maybe something to do with poor diets; maybe something to do with inbreeding. But millions enjoy these shitty shows, which is why the BBC broadcasts them. I rather doubt that millions of people would tune in for a 13 part audition series for Speed-The-Plow, or whatever bag of crap Spacey is promoting at the moment.
"…to help kids find their own sense of self-esteem, confidence and ability to collaborate. These are interesting ideas, now they're not sexy so maybe they don't want to put them on air."Probably best that Spacey doesn’t try to make kids sexy; that would open up a whole world of trouble from the likes of the News of the World. However teaching kids to feel more confident and collaborate would not just be tedious, it may be best covered off by institutions other than Spacey’s Old Vic. Like, you know, schools.
"I have spoken to your chairman but he has yet to get back to me"Possibly because he has better things to do (although Lord knows what) than reply to hissy actors belly-aching about how unfair life is. I’d like the Chairman of the BBC to come back to me on my idea for a TV series, called You’re a Cunt, but my grip on reality appears to be slightly more sound than Spacey’s. I accept that the Chairman probably cannot reply to every ranting twat with a half-baked idea for a TV series.
Labels: BBC, Big Old Bag of Bollocks, Whining
Our Speaker - that clueless, beached whale of the man - has spent £700,000 of taxpayer's money on his official residence since 2001. The money has gone on furniture, art and air conditioning.
Labels: Corruption, Martin, Worthless Cunts
...screams the BBC, egged on by the Taxpayer's Alliance. And yes, paying Peter Gould, chief executive of Northamptonshire County Council, £215,000 a year does seem a tad excessive and I think the good people of Northamptonshire - and indeed anywhere else where the chief exec or whatever those in charge of County Councils call themselves these days is earning a small fucking fortune - would be well within their rights to say "give us some of our money back, you money grabbing whorish fuckers."
Paying people in high levels of responsibility is not per se a bad thing. Council bosses do a complex job, involving detailed finance, IT and HR issues, and the job should be highly paid to attract good candidates. The problem here is not the pay level itself; it is the fact that failure in the job is not swiftly punished with the sack, and that these sort of jobs generally goes to timeserving jobsworths.Yes, it is the timeserving jobsworths that are the problem. If you had someone who was paid £215k to change a council into a lean, mean service providing machine and as a result cut back council tax, no-one would really give a fuck. The problem is that the people on £215k for running a council are, largely, morons who do nothing other than sit on their (probably) flabby butt cheeks and wait for the cash to roll in.
Labels: Brown, Pissing Money Away, Taxes, The Moai, Worthless Cunts
Downing Street has insisted Gordon Brown was just "doing what he was told" after apparently getting lost at the state banquet for Nicolas Sarkozy.The Queen apparently commented:
"The prime minister got lost. He disappeared the wrong the crucial moment."Sounds like a sage comment not just for the banquet, but pretty much everything Brown has been involved in since he became Prime Minister.
A leaked document reveals what the Liberal Democrat strategy would be in the event of a hung parliament. If you particularly want to read what looks like a load of Lib Dem powerpoints, then you should go here. Be warned, though, it really isn't as exciting as it sounds.
Yep, Happy 2nd Birthday to The Appalling Strangeness. Two years to the day since I began this blogging odyssey into bad spelling, nonsense posting, liberal profanity and very limited wisdom/wit.
A blogging campaign has been picked up by the national media. Mr Eugenides tells the full story of the attempts to have that badger faced bastard, Alistair Darling, barred from the nation's pubs.
Labels: Booze, Brown, Darling, Tasteless Humour, Worthless Cunts
Hillary Clinton came under fire from a sniper in Bosnia, you know. Fuck me, she's brave. She's like that John McCain - she's seen violence on the battlefield, she's put her neck on the line. Ok, she's never been the prisoner of the Vietcong and faced crippling torture, but she's seen conflict, alright? So she gets my vote (which would probably be a tiny comfort for Hillary, if I had a vote in this election).
Labels: Clinton, Election 2008 (US), Lies, Obama, Oh do shut up
...reports the BBC.
Labels: BBC, Big Old Bag of Bollocks, Brown, Local Elections
Seems the new fad for our elected oligarchs is to pen lines of verse that rip into the awful idiot who is currently PM. Following on from last week's sadly lacklustre effort about Downing Street, Teresa May - a woman previously most famous for her (terrible) choice in shoes - has picked up the quill as well. According to the BBC her verse runs as:
"At Downing Street the other day, I met a man sent on his way.Again, not quite strong enough for me, but any poem that stops short of calling Gordon Brown a "total fucking cunt" is not going to be strong enough. Nonetheless, it was enough to rile that terrible blend of android and woman, Harriet Harman:
Close to Gordon for many years, the PM's rants brought him to tears.
But for all this he didn't care. He was pleased to see his minister there.
He'd been important once, you know. Now Carter told him: 'You must go.'"
"I don't know about her constituents, but mine are more interested in sound management than soundbites. They would rather have competence than her version of comedy."There may be an element of truth in what Harman is bleating. But so great is my disdain for Nu Labour's answer to The Stepford Wives that I support May, if only because her poor attempt at comedy verse has created such a piously indignant response from Harman.
For Christians, this is one of the most important days of the year. The death/return of Jesus is central to the Christian cult - sorry, faith. For non Christians, it is a Sunday where all of the shops are shut, mercifully bookended by two bank holidays. It is a lot like Christmas, except without presents and with no Doctor Who Christmas special to enjoy.
Labels: Random
In order to celebrate, if celebrate is indeed the right word, the beginning of the campaign to unseat that fucking bastard Red Ken… sorry, sorry, the campaign for London Mayor, the Moai and I went to see young Boris speak at a dinner on Tuesday. The scene was slightly surreal – we were clearly the youngest people at the dinner, and probably by between 10 and 20 years. The rules of the club where we ate required gentlemen to wear jackets on all times, except in June, July and August, or when the club allowed them to by putting up notices saying the temperature has risen above 24 degrees. However, a notice informed me that gentlemen were no longer required to wear ties at all time in the public areas of the club, which would have been a ground breaking development had this been the 1920’s.
"As The Nameless One says, he and I went to a dinner engagement two days ago that marked the beginning of Boris' formal assault on the mayoralty. So, how convinced were we? Well, even the pre-scripted parts of his speech were not utterly dull, and the description of the execrable Londoner as 'Pyongyang style' went down very well, indicating that his minders (who notable by their presence) have not made the fatal mistake of de-Borising Boris. However, in open questioning, he wobbled. He appears to believe that all of the changes he proposes can be funded by slashing Ken's admittedly enormous marketing budget, and, when asked a question on schools policy and underachievement, he was obviously unprepared. Whether or not the Mayor has any control over schools is irrelevant; when required to go off script, he didn't look convincing, which may be a problem in open hustings. The Moai verdict: entertaining, but not - yet - fully convincing."See, the interesting thing is I felt it worked the other way round. I found Boris’s speech boring, light on policy, and delivered far too fast and with more than a hint of nerves. When it came to the questioning, I felt he came into his own. He didn’t have all the answers, and was clearly developing some policy ideas on the hoof, but he seemed to build up a real rapport with his (albeit quite friendly) audience and also seemed to relish the chance to go off script and think on his feet. He came across as far more likeable than that poisonous little twerp that he is fighting against. And whilst Red Ken clearly sees going for Boris’s jugular is the way forward, Boris slipped in a couple of jibes against Red Ken without really mentioning the man’s name. He seems to be using the classic politician’s trick of not mentioning his opponent’s name for fear of giving that opponent free publicity.
Labels: Boris, London Mayor, Red Ken, The Moai
Most habits from my student days I've managed to get over. I no longer idolise the shitty detective programmes shown by the BBC at lunch times, like Quincy and Bergerac. I no longer buy Safeway Saver's Coke - which can only be a good thing, as it looked like sludge water dredged from a ditch somewhere. It also tasted like sludge water, dredged from a ditch somewhere - albeit with added sweetners. I don't wear military style clothing in the hope that I look cool - or failing that, like a former member of Echo and the Bunnymen. Let's face it, there is nothing wrong with leaving most of you student habits behind. A failure to do this will make you maladjusted as you go grow old. Or, even worse, it will make you join the Liberal Democrats.
Labels: Random
Apparently there is a mystery poet operating in Downing Street. And the poet isn’t a fan of our very own Prime Minister. According to the BBC the rhyme goes:
"At Downing Street upon the stair,That’s how bad things have got, even within the Labour government. Brown is so unpopular, even with his colleagues, that a return to that grinning shit Blair seems like a good idea.
I met a man who wasn't Blair,
He wasn't Blair again today,
Oh how I wish he'd go away."
"At Downing Street upon the stair,It doesn’t rhyme or scan as well as the first poem (hell, it doesn’t rhyme or scan at all, frankly) but I think the sentiments are more in line with the thinking of the British public. And the central message is something we can all get behind.
I met a man who wasn’t that lying, slippery horse’s arse Blair
It was that evil thief they all call Brown,
So I kicked him down the stairs, battered his head with a baseball bat, and trod on his throat until he breathed no more."
Labels: Blair, Brown, Tasteless Humour
Prime Minister’s Questions is an odd sort of a beast. It can either be horrifically dull, or quite entertaining – in a school yard, name calling, "I know you are, you said you are, but what am I?" sort of way. Today’s instalment firmly falls into the entertaining category.
"Mr Cameron asked Mr Brown to answer some of the questions he has "failed to answer" over the last few weeks - such as whether MPs should have a free vote on the human embryology bill.I wonder why it is so difficult to answer a simple question. Brown’s answer of "I’ll come back to you on that" would not be accepted from a supermarket shelf-stacker. Quite why the bloody Prime Minister thinks it should be an appropriate answer is beyond me.
"Mr Brown said the bill was vital to dealing with life-saving diseases and he would come back to the House with proposals to take it through at a later date. Mr Cameron asked why it was so difficult to answer the question."
"Mr Cameron asked "again" whether Mr Brown would vote in favour of ID cards - "yes or no?". Mr Brown said he was in favour of ID cards and asked Mr Cameron whether he was in favour of compulsory ID cards for foreign nationals. Mr Cameron said if the PM wanted to ask him questions, he should call a general election now."Now that is a good retort. Not really ending the "Punch ‘n’ Judy" approach to Prime Minister’s Questions, but when the quips of that calibre, who really cares?
"Mr Cameron congratulated Mr Brown for taking "exactly the right decision" on meeting the Dalai Lama and for not delaying it. Mr Brown responded that "We make the right decisions at all times"."Ha haha hahaha ha hahaha. Ha. Ha. "We make the right decisions at all times." Ahaha hahahaha. Hahaha. Ha. Ha. "The right decisions at all times". Seriously, that is fucking hilarious! And Brown wasn’t even joking!
Labels: Brown, Cameron, Gordon Brown, Worthless Cunts
The arrogance and greed of some people is absolutely staggering. Heather Mills McCartney, or whatever the fuck she's called now, is one such person. I don't know whether her divorce award of £24.3 million is justified, too little or too much and I don't think I ever will, given that would involve trawling through endless documents about a failed marriage I have no interest in. However, this comment makes my jaw drop open:
"Miss Mills, 40, said the couple's daughter Beatrice, four, was now "meant to travel 'B' class while her father travels 'A' class"."This crass statement from this shrill, demented woman defies belief. It really does. £24.3 million - a figure most people in this country could only dream of - is not enough in the warped world of Heather Mills to put her daughter into the "'A' class". Now a multi-millionnaire after four years of marriage, Mills thinks that the vast fortune that has fallen into her lap makes her a "'B' class" citizen.
China is blaming the current unrest in Tibet on the Dalai Lama. This is an audacious claim to make about a man who has committed his whole life to peaceful regime change in Tibet. It is a staggering claim when you consider that one of the fundamental rules of Buddhism is the commitment to peace, and the refusal to hurt others. It becomes even more of a mind-blowing head fuck when you consider that the claims are coming from the Chinese government - a totalitarian regime with no real concept of what either honesty or basic human rights are.
Labels: China, Self-Serving Bullshit, WTF?
A zombie movie should be a pretty easy one to write. Basically, the dead come to life, take over the world, and a rag bag bunch of misfits frantically try to survive in increasingly impossible conditions. You don't have to let anyone reach the end of the final reel, if you don't want to - the nihilism of the zombie movie means there is nothing wrong with killing everyone in the cast. You don't even have to explain why the dead are returning to life - rage filled monkeys, killer viruses, satellites getting too close to the earth - the average zombie fan doesn't give a flying fuck. Explanations are needless exposition before the gut ripping begins.
I recently read Malcolm Gladwell's Blink. You might not be aware of Gladwell, or his international bestseller. If that is the case, I am somewhat envious of you. Because reading Mr Gladwell's work is a bit like watching an Adam Sandler movie: mildly diverting when you start out, increasingly frustrating as you go on, before leaving you enraged and bitter that you wasted your time on such an annoying piece of shit.
Labels: Random, Un-fricking-believable.
With all the righteous (and absolutely right) rage flowing freely about the newest revelation about the utter corruption and shameless, naked greed of our elected ruling elite, I thought I would point out this policy from the UK Libertarian Party:
It is ok to feel cynical when you read the above. After all, we are so used to hearing about the corruption of our leaders that anything like the above needs to be taken less with a pinch of salt, but rather with a hefty fucking chunk of rock salt. But the LPUK are actually demanding change in this area, and are prepared to sacrifice their chance to get their snouts in the trough to do it. Whatever you hear from those in the Tories, in the Labour Party and the Lib Dems over the next few weeks, remember this - they only start to fight corruption when it is exposed. Every MP will have known about this John Lewis list. And they all chose to ignore it, to hide it, to profit from it. And whatever you think of the LPUK, at least they are standing up from the outset and categorically stating "we will not do this." The challenge of resisting temptation will come if/when the party actually achieves power, but given the endemic corruption in the corridors of the Commons, now might be the time to consider a genuine alternative to the political mainstream in our country."Sadly, we're all so used to corrupt politicians saying one thing and then doing another, that we would understand if you were to wonder why you should trust in our integrity. Don't—test us. Until some honesty has returned to public life, we will require that any candidate standing for election in the name of the Libertarian Party will make the following commitments:
- the full details of any and all expenses that they claim in the execution of their duties will be disclosed in their entirety on this website within 30 days of being incurred
- they will not employ their spouse, or any other member of immediate family, using public funds
- they will not participate in any pension scheme associated with their public position
- they will not accept offers of hospitality, travel junkets or similar freebies, which could be seen as an attempt by any individual or organisation to gain influence or favour
Whilst placing restrictions over and above the current state of the law on our candidates is distinctly unlibertarian, as a party we are prepared to swallow our principles on this to ensure that you, the public, don't have to keep swallowing yours in respect of how the political class currently abuse our trust."
Labels: Corruption, LPUK, squalid corruption
Think about your salary. And then think about your package. You might get a pension. Perhaps a bonus, possibly discretionary. Car allowance? Maybe. If you are really lucky you might get a relocation bonus.
Labels: squalid corruption, Taxes, Worthless Cunts, WTF?
I didn’t live blog the budget. I struggle with the concept of live blogging. Partly because I think in the 24/7 news cycle in which we currently live there is enough commentary floating around to make my opinion absolutely irrelevant. Also because I have a very short attention span, and there is no way I could concentrate on anything for long enough to live blog it. And something as boring as Darling speaking is never going to hold my attention for more than 15 seconds, no matter how much his actual words wind me up.
Labels: Balls, Darling, Taxes, They don't work for you, Worthless Cunts
Something weird seems to have happened. Somehow we have slipped back to the 1950’s America. Where people pledge allegiance to the flag (well, the queen, but same difference), blindly, like reactionary fools:
“Schoolchildren may have to swear allegiance to the Queen under proposals aimed at promoting British citizenship.”
What if you are not a royalist? Or not a nationalist? Suppose you just want to live quietly in the UK, without pledging allegiance to anyone? Suppose you find pledging allegiance to an out of date institution like the monarchy hopelessly insulting? Yet again, there is no place for the individual in the world of Nu Labour. Even though some reports talk of being encouraged, we all know what “encouraged” means. “Do it or we’ll fuck you up in some way”.
Why, oh why, are they doing this?
“Prime Minister Gordon Brown commissioned Lord Goldsmith to lead a review into a bid to strengthen national identity.”
Let me rewrite that sentence: “Prime Minister Gordon Brown commissioned Lord Goldsmith to lead a review into a bid to strengthen Labour support amongst Sun readers and knuckle faced nationalistic meatheads.” Of course, they are never going to come out with that sort of honesty. But we all know what they’re trying to achieve.
“Last October, a preliminary report published as part of Lord Goldsmith's review said that schoolchildren should take part in the same kind of ceremonies for foreigners taking British nationality.”
So, rather than trying to make young people feel more included, the government is going to lump them in the same category as what Sky News terribly dubs as the “foreigners?” And how is this rule going to be enforced? If someone refuses to pledge allegiance, how will the government stop them from growing up? Massive doses of hormone suppressants? Actually, I’ll stop there. The last thing we need to offer this government is even more fucked up ideas on how to make the population utterly miserable.
“The style and content of the events should be "re-energised", perhaps with a rendition by schoolchildren of the pop song We Are The World - the US version of 1984's Band Aid single - last year's report said.”
We Are The World? You WHAT? I can’t imagine anything more twee. I can’t imagine anything sadder. Anyone attending such an event should be given a sharp knife. So they can rip open their own guts and use their intestines as a noose.
But it gets even worse. Via The Telegraph:
“And a "small" council tax rebate would be available to those who help out in their local neighbourhood. The discount could be earned by organising recycling projects, helping children learn to read in schools, or setting up a residents' association.”
When, precisely, am I going to get the time to do the tedious work involved in getting this rebate? I work full time to get the fucking money to pay the Christing council tax in the first place!
Still, there is some good news:
“A new public holiday could also be introduced to celebrate Britishness, under recommendations being published today.”
Well, I’m all for that. The extra holiday I mean. Watching random skin heads whack the crap out of each other in the nation’s pubs over who loves the Queen the most (from a safe distance) will also be an entertaining way of spending the holiday.
Labels: Nationalism, Nu Labour, Piece of crap pretending to be policy
I'm not sure whether these adverts are meant to be taken seriously or not, but there seems to be a new way of saving the tube. It is a strategy of preaching peace, love and understanding to all tube users. And it is communicating the message through patronising posters with trite little trade offs, like "If you won't listen to loud music... then I won't eat my smelly food."
Labels: Living in London, Random
The seven deadly sins have been updated by the Catholic Church. I'd have loved to have been on that committee. I'd have made watching reality TV a deadly sin, obviously.
Mgr Girotti (some random papal spokesman) said genetic modification, carrying out experiments on humans, polluting the environment, causing social injustice, causing poverty, becoming obscenely wealthy and taking drugs were all mortal sins.What a stupid list. What a really, really stupid list. It is like the church went to Polly Toynbee, and asked for her wishlist of random hippy crap. And since when has the Catholic Church not been "obscenely wealthy?"
Eternal death.Which sounds pretty fucking scary. Until you realise that all death is eternal. What's the alternative? Coming back as a zombie, shuffling around with lumps of flesh falling off you whilst muttering "brains"? Because if that is the alternative to eternal death, then I'm off to do some genetic modification through carrying out experiments on humans, to make a shit load of socially unjust cash that I will use to increase the misery in the world. And once I am done, I'm going to throw everything I own that is not biodegradable into the sea. Whilst high on drugs.
The Tories are planning to increase taxes. No, no, don't panic - they haven't gone completely insane. Only partially. Because they are going increase the taxes on booze. And to avoid the risk of upsetting too many people, they are only going to increase the taxes on alcopops and super strength drinks.
"A can of Carlsberg Special Brew or Tennents Super would cost 32p more and a three-litre bottle of Diamond White strong cider would be £1.25 more expensive under the plans."And why?
"The Conservatives say the price rises would target younger drinkers, many who consume alcopops and super-strength beers and ciders to excess, while not hitting "the vast majority of law-abiding, responsible drinkers"."That's a bit unfair. The taxes will also hit some adults as well. For example tramps. This proposal seems really hard on them as well. I mean, if you were a tramp wondering through life wearing crumpled, stained clothing and trying to live through this horrifically cold winter, Special Brew might be the only thing you have to look forward to. And the only thing that will be keeping you going. And now it is going to cost you an extra 32p. It may not sound like too much to some, but if you're a "gentleman of the road" then you have to make every penny count.
Labels: Booze, Taxes, Tories, Un-fricking-believable.
The Times has an article on why the Democrats must choose Hillary Clinton for their nominee. Nothing like a few tentative victories to bring out the supporters, is there?
Labels: Clinton, Election 2008 (US), Huckabee, McCain
I'm (still) ill. I've been ill all week. And whilst I thought I was getting better yesterday, today has seen somewhat of a relapse. And all day at work I have had a bastard with a claw hammer raking it against the inside of my skull, whilst my lungs have felt like they have a rabid, but strangely lusty, porcupine rubbing up against them. I kind of figure this is how Amy Winehouse feels, 24-7. Except I haven't had the dubious pleasure of smoking crack.
Labels: Random, Tasteless Humour
According to Sky News, government ministers are changing their tack on ID cards. Instead of blatantly trying to ram them down our throats through fear, they are going to use a softer sell to ram them down our throats.
Instead of government ministers and police officers talking tough and insisting they need us to carry ID cards to beat terrorism, the emphasis will shift to persuading us that we'll be missing out if we fail to sign up to the scheme.My gut instinct says "I’ll miss out then, thank you very much."
'Entitlement' seems to be the buzzword. The card being portrayed as the way we can access the state benefits and public services that we're entitled to.Right. So I still have to pay for an ID card to access services that I am already entitled to and have already paid for. Jesus Christ, that is a bit of a mind fuck. It is like Tesco saying "I know you’ve just bought your weekly shop, paid for it ‘n’ all, but we’re not going to let you take those goods until that you are entitled to and have paid for until you have signed up for a Clubcard. Oh, and we are going to charge you a small fucking fortune for the Clubcard as well."They'd be out of business within a week.
Labels: Freedom, ID cards, Stunning Incompetence
For the Liberal Democrats anyway. And civil war for the Liberal Democrats is like civil war in the Shetland Islands: terrible for those involved, but the rest of the world struggles to give a fuck.
Labels: Brown, Calamity Clegg, Cameron, Lib Dems, Libertarians, who really cares?
Sometimes I think that there is something wrong with me.
Labels: Films, Random, Tasteless Humour
McCain has won the Republican nomination for President! I mean, like, wow. We actually have a nominee for President. Mind you, it has taken him long enough. After all, he first ran for President in 2000. Eight years is a loooonnnngg run for the Presidency. I guess that’s what happens when you get old. Had he run in 1988 or 1992, he might have got the nomination in just months. Now he’s an older man, it just takes longer to do everything, what with the aches and pains, and just not being able to walk as fast as he once could. Shame he didn’t win in 2000 – he might have saved us from the terrible Bush Junior Administrations. But fair play – he’s won now. Well done, John. I’m proud.
Labels: Clinton, Election 2008 (US), Huckabee, McCain, Obama
The Moai sent me this article earlier today. And in one of those sure signs that I am going to burn in hell for all eternity because of my sick sense of humour, it made me laugh out loud. It basically suggests that the investigation may be uncovering props from fucking Bergerac:
“The field was turned into a graveyard. They used fibreglass gravestones but they were going to have a burial scene, so they also actually dug a number of full graves. The full graves go quite deep. They were filled in, and the places where there had been digging registered on the radar. No-one realised until one of the local officers pointed it out."And this comment really cracked me up:
“When Lenny (Deputy Police Chief of Jersey) was told the real reason the radar had found so many suspicious spots was because of Bergerac, he put his head in his hands and uttered a few choice words”I'll bet he did... If this explanation proved to be correct, then Lenny has turned the attention of the world to Jersey owing to the props from a long defunct BBC detective series.
BBC graveyard props dont leave a cadaver scent and bones. Whilst the former is possibly a reason for radar finds it still remains there were child bones found.Quite.
Labels: Corruption, Justice, The Moai
Over at I Am Livid, the wonderfully named Mr Angry muses what a shit job it must to work in recruitment for Al Qaeda. Too true. Not least for the reason about the way recruitment works. You tend to only get your fee after the person you have recruited spends 3 months in their new organisation. That would be a real shitter when working with Al Qaeda. Recruiter: "How is X working out?" Employer: "Oh, bad news I'm afraid. He blew himself up in a public square." Recruiter: "Oh, for fuck's sake! Not again!" Employer: "Yep. And he was still in his probationary period, so you owe us a free replacement. Says so in your terms and conditions."
Labels: Random