Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Jersey Horror

The Moai sent me this article earlier today. And in one of those sure signs that I am going to burn in hell for all eternity because of my sick sense of humour, it made me laugh out loud. It basically suggests that the investigation may be uncovering props from fucking Bergerac:
“The field was turned into a graveyard. They used fibreglass gravestones but they were going to have a burial scene, so they also actually dug a number of full graves. The full graves go quite deep. They were filled in, and the places where there had been digging registered on the radar. No-one realised until one of the local officers pointed it out."
And this comment really cracked me up:
“When Lenny (Deputy Police Chief of Jersey) was told the real reason the radar had found so many suspicious spots was because of Bergerac, he put his head in his hands and uttered a few choice words”
I'll bet he did... If this explanation proved to be correct, then Lenny has turned the attention of the world to Jersey owing to the props from a long defunct BBC detective series.

And yet... all of the above is making light of a terrible scenario because of a deeply unlikely explanation. On a purely practical level, do you really think the penny pinching BBC of the 1980's would spend cash on digging real graves for a quirky detective show?

Also, the Bergerac scenario doesn't explain the hundreds of people now claiming they were abused as children.

It also doesn't explain why Edward Paisnel, the kind of man who nightmares are made of, continually visited the home.

And finally, as Caren from Shropshire points out in a comment on the article:
BBC graveyard props dont leave a cadaver scent and bones. Whilst the former is possibly a reason for radar finds it still remains there were child bones found.

Something terrible happened at Haut de la Garenne. It may have been child abuse. It may have been paedophilia. It may have been both of the above, combined with child murder. But whatever it is, the police are absolutely right to continue to investigate, especially in the face of such an unlikely explanation.

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