Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Prime Minister’s Questions is an odd sort of a beast. It can either be horrifically dull, or quite entertaining – in a school yard, name calling, "I know you are, you said you are, but what am I?" sort of way. Today’s instalment firmly falls into the entertaining category.

Some highlights from the BBC:

"Mr Cameron asked Mr Brown to answer some of the questions he has "failed to answer" over the last few weeks - such as whether MPs should have a free vote on the human embryology bill.
"Mr Brown said the bill was vital to dealing with life-saving diseases and he would come back to the House with proposals to take it through at a later date. Mr Cameron asked why it was so difficult to answer the question."
I wonder why it is so difficult to answer a simple question. Brown’s answer of "I’ll come back to you on that" would not be accepted from a supermarket shelf-stacker. Quite why the bloody Prime Minister thinks it should be an appropriate answer is beyond me.

"Mr Cameron asked "again" whether Mr Brown would vote in favour of ID cards - "yes or no?". Mr Brown said he was in favour of ID cards and asked Mr Cameron whether he was in favour of compulsory ID cards for foreign nationals. Mr Cameron said if the PM wanted to ask him questions, he should call a general election now."
Now that is a good retort. Not really ending the "Punch ‘n’ Judy" approach to Prime Minister’s Questions, but when the quips of that calibre, who really cares?

"Mr Cameron congratulated Mr Brown for taking "exactly the right decision" on meeting the Dalai Lama and for not delaying it. Mr Brown responded that "We make the right decisions at all times"."
Ha haha hahaha ha hahaha. Ha. Ha. "We make the right decisions at all times." Ahaha hahahaha. Hahaha. Ha. Ha. "The right decisions at all times". Seriously, that is fucking hilarious! And Brown wasn’t even joking!

Prime Minister’s Questions have again shown that the Leader of the Opposition can throw the occasional barb that is both entertaining and sticks to his target. It has shown that the Lib Dem leader can speak (probably) at PMQ’s, without ever really being memorable. And it has shown that out Prime Minister is not just a cunt, but a self-deluded uber-cunt. A self-regarding, foolish, deluded cunt of the highest order. The "right decision" for Brown would be to write a letter of apology to the nation before jumping into the river with his pockets filled with stones. But he won't do that - he won't make the right decision - because he is a cunt. As I might have already mentioned...

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