Saturday, March 29, 2008

Our Speaker - that clueless, beached whale of the man - has spent £700,000 of taxpayer's money on his official residence since 2001. The money has gone on furniture, art and air conditioning.

Gorbals Mick has spent on average £100,000 a year on his official residence - funds he gets from us. Basically, the repairs to his official residences could be what stops you from doing the repairs to your actual references.

I could shout and swear about this, but I am too tired. Too tired and sick of the endemic corruption displayed by our leaders. They piss on the country - we do nothing about. Every member of parliament is complicit in the scandal of the Commons gravy train, nothing will change whilst the Commons is controlled by the ruling oligarchy and presided over by that uber cunt Martin.

And unless that radical change occurs, the gulf between electorate and elected will grow until we have the dystopian scenario where each side stands viewing each other across a chasm - one side laughing, their fat bellies rocking with gleeful giggles, whilst the other side looks at those pigs at the trough, filled with a quiet, impotent rage.

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At 4:49 pm , Blogger Mac the Knife said...

'one side laughing, their fat bellies rocking with gleeful giggles, whilst the other side looks at those pigs at the trough, filled with a quiet, impotent rage'

Ahh, but piggies eventually fatten up, and that's the day they get taken to market. How I long for the day...


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