Friday, March 28, 2008

"Council bosses 'get more than PM'"...

...screams the BBC, egged on by the Taxpayer's Alliance. And yes, paying Peter Gould, chief executive of Northamptonshire County Council, £215,000 a year does seem a tad excessive and I think the good people of Northamptonshire - and indeed anywhere else where the chief exec or whatever those in charge of County Councils call themselves these days is earning a small fucking fortune - would be well within their rights to say "give us some of our money back, you money grabbing whorish fuckers."

But I have no issue with anyone earning more than Gordon Brown. In fact, I think everyone in the country should earn more than Gordon Brown. Even that crack addict at the end of the road who is urinating on a lamp post. In fact, I think that, given the damage Brown has done as Chancellor and PM to this country, he should work for free. However he clearly isn't fit to be Prime Minister, even for no salary whatsoever. So let's demote him. Let's make him a street sweeper in some depressing, drab town centre somewhere. And let's all go and eat the hottest curries, then defecate on the streets of whichever suburban crap hole we've sent Gordo to. Let's make him literally clear up our shit. For free.

Because this is his fault. It is all his fault. One of the main reasons why these council execs feel they can claim such extortionate salaries is because Brown has created a culture in this country where government (both local and central) has the right to spend as much of the tax payer's money as it likes. On whatever they want. Think back to Ed Balls and his "So What?" - they think they deserve your money. It is the mindset of government. And the buck stops squarely at the top on this one. With Gordon Brown.

Gordon Brown - good God, how I hate that rancid cock of a man.


The Moai doesn't quite agree with my analysis. He says:

Paying people in high levels of responsibility is not per se a bad thing. Council bosses do a complex job, involving detailed finance, IT and HR issues, and the job should be highly paid to attract good candidates. The problem here is not the pay level itself; it is the fact that failure in the job is not swiftly punished with the sack, and that these sort of jobs generally goes to timeserving jobsworths.
Yes, it is the timeserving jobsworths that are the problem. If you had someone who was paid £215k to change a council into a lean, mean service providing machine and as a result cut back council tax, no-one would really give a fuck. The problem is that the people on £215k for running a council are, largely, morons who do nothing other than sit on their (probably) flabby butt cheeks and wait for the cash to roll in.

I maintain that Gordon Brown is a rancid cock of a man. And the public finally seem to be realising this.

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