Happy Birthday...
...to my Mum.
That's all I've got to say today, and probably for the rest of the week. So unless something utterly blog worthy comes to my attention, I will return in a week.
Labels: Random
"...I'm not a schemer. I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are..."
...to my Mum.
Labels: Random
Blair is getting more and more hassle "at home" (ie in the country that he is supposed to be running when he is not gadding about, playing the international statesman poorly) about positioning himself so closely to the Americans over the crisis in Israel/Lebanon. Even shameless sycophants like the bat-shit mad Miliband are apparently breaking ranks and criticising him in cabinet. But the problem is, as much as it pains me to say this (and I am in near physical agony admitting this), that Blair is right.
Labels: Blair, Israel/Lebanon, Unlikely Agreement
This makes me so angry I can barely think. A sixteen year old girl, hanged in public, for being raped.
Labels: Iran, Islam, Worthless Cunts
The title of this post is a quote from Belinda Oaten, wife of Mark. No, she is not talking about him but rather about her love for him. The full quote is "Yes, it's very annoying, but yes, I do."
Labels: Lib Dems, Simon Fucking Hughes
Tony Blair abdicates responsibility for spiralling NHS costs with the simple request of lose some weight and stop smoking/drinking. He is probably one step away from saying "look, moving forward it would be great if you could help the NHS by never getting ill or injured."
See here.
Labels: Lib Dems, Worthless Cunts
The heat is getting too much for me. I cannot even raise my usual ire when I think about John Prescott. I am lost in a mire of apathetic lethargy. Which is never good for a blog based on ranting.
According to the main news outlets, Israel is levelling Lebanon. Except that doesn't seem to be quite true, as Mr Eugenides points out.
Labels: Israel/Lebanon
I feel I should be banging on about how Prescott continues to embarrass his party, government and country. Or about the unmitigated shite being spouted by David Miliband here. Or the collapse of the Middle East here.
It says something about the leadership of Ming "The Merciful" Campbell that a poll suggests only 26% of people think he is a good leader.
Labels: Charlie K, Lib Dems, Ming The Merciful
Bush vetoes a bill funding stem cell research. He piously claims:
"This bill would support the taking of innocent human life of the hope of finding medical benefits for others"And:
"It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect, so I vetoed it"Wanker.
Labels: Bush, History, US, US Politics, Worthless Cunts
It is the little things that really wind me up. If a calamity befalls me, then I tend to take it stoically. “Nameless Tory, the company you work for has collapsed and you are out of a job.” “Not a problem, I will just have to find another job.” “Nameless Tory, you have lost both of your legs in a bizarre gardening accident.” “Oh well, can’t be helped.” “Nameless Tory, a meteor is heading towards the earth and is set to wipe out all human life.” “Nevermind, these things happen.” But it is the little things that really get to me – an error from my bank, for example, and you are scraping me off the ceiling.
Labels: Random
I quote from the Independent:
Blair: I don't know what you guys have talked about, but as I say I am perfectly happy to try and see what the lie of the land is, but you need that done quickly because otherwise it will spiral. (Meaning: 'Please, George, let me go to the Middle East and be a world statesman')
Bush: I think Condi is going to go pretty soon. (Meaning: 'No')
Blair: But that's, that's, that's all that matters. But if you... you see it will take some time to get that together. (Meaning: 'Oh well, all right, if you don't want me to. Just a thought')
Bush: Yeah, yeah.
Blair: But at least it gives people...
Bush: It's a process, I agree. I told her your offer to... (Meaning: 'Drop it. You're not going.')
Blair: Well... it's only if I mean... you know. If she's got a..., or if she needs the ground prepared as it were... Because obviously if she goes out, she's got to succeed, if it were, whereas I can go out and just talk.
Labels: Blair, Bush, Nu Labour, US Politics
What a load of arse.
The Devil's Kitchen rightly points out this absurd and frustrating story - a vicar banned from a school for kissing a girl on the cheek. Frankly this is worthy of Chris Morris - it is beyond belief. I am surprised that they did not drag him from the school and burn him in a giant wicker phallus. It almost looks like a wind-up. Sadly it isn't.
Labels: Chris Morris, Hysteria, Media
It was always going to happen - someone stands up to challenge Gordon Brown. Perhaps the only surprise is that it is someone from the left of the party, as opposed to the Far Right.
You Are Most Like Ronald Reagan |
![]() People tend to think you're a god - or that you almost ruined the country. But even if people do disagree with you, they still fall victim to your charms! |
Uh huh. Whilst I don't doubt that some people think I am a god, I can't claim that I am far right former Hollywood star, former governor of California, Christian fundamentalist and old man.
Still, could be worse. I was terrified I would be most like George W. Bush!
Labels: Random, Reagan, US Politics
Actually, I'd rather not. But I reckon that will come as something of a relief to those who do wear the hoodies.
"We - the people in suits - often see hoodies as aggressive, the uniform of a rebel army of young gangsters."
"But hoodies are more defensive than offensive. They're a way to stay invisible in the street."
"In a dangerous environment the best thing to do is keep your head down, blend in."
"Let's try and understand what's gone wrong in these children's lives and we'll find it's about family breakdown, it's about drugs, it's about alcohol abuse, often it's young people who are brought up in care when they should be in loving homes."
Labels: Cameron, Conservatism
One of the main objections to ID cards is that the cost will be more than the government is stating. Therefore, in order to allay these concerns, the government could reveal what the costs are. But as the BBC website shows, they are fighting any attempts to publically reveal what the costs are. Ipso facto, the anti-ID card lobby is right and the government knows how much ID cards will really cost. And those costings do not help their case.
Labels: ID cards
The Devil's Kitchen lays into Mr Thom Yorke of Radiohead here.
Labels: Music
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I cannot believe that Prescott still has no intention of resigning. Whilst the Tories were often grossly corrupt and sometimes more than a little seedy under Major, they at least had the common decency to resign when they were caught out. Prescott has punched a member of the public, had Greenpeace protestors arrested at gunpoint, has had (according to Guido) multiple affairs, has abused his grace and favours home, has abused the offices of the DPM whilst having his affair(s) and has now accepted hospitality in complete contravention of the rules of Parliament! What does it take for him to resign? “Aye, aye, I murdered Shergar, I helped Lord Lucan skip the country, I regularly cruise Clapham Common and ordered the death of Princess Diana but I’ll be a bugger’s mother if I am going to resign!”
Labels: Corruption, Nu Labour, Prescott
...of sleaze and scandal. Prezza, that is, as once again he has got himself into trouble. See here for more details.
Labels: Corruption, Nu Labour, Prescott
This is something I really don't get. The concept that to fight the War on Terror in the UK we need to have a 90 day detention period.
The by-elections in Blaenau Gwent and Bromley and Chislehurst are apparently bad news for both Labour and the Tories.
Labels: Conservatism, Lib Dems, Nu Labour, UKIP