Monday, July 03, 2006

Do you remember freedom?

This is something I really don't get. The concept that to fight the War on Terror in the UK we need to have a 90 day detention period.

Why? No, really, why? 90 days was not needed to prove the Forest Gate suspects were innocent. It would not have helped against Abu Hamza. And above all, it would not have stopped the July 7th bombers.

But there is a greater worry nagging away at me when I read stories like this. We have a Labour party in power (yes, Labour - you may remember them as a socialist party less than 25 years ago) looking to restrict democracy and freedom in this country. Taking into account the Religious Hatred Bill, the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill and the ID card schemes, it seems this government is determined to neuter Parliament and put (in this country) unprededented controls on what the people can say and do.

Put simply we have a government trying to neuter Parliament, trying to condense your identity onto an expensive credit card, and who want to give the police the right to lock you up for 90 days without charge. And this is against a backdrop of the police shooting innocent people.

There is a war on terror to be fought. But sometimes it feels like, in this country, the government is fighting a war on their people instead.

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