Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A One Man Mountain...

...of sleaze and scandal. Prezza, that is, as once again he has got himself into trouble. See here for more details.

With story after story of how bad Prescott is emerging, I am almost starting to feel sorry for the one man EU Jaguar mountain. It reminds me a bit of Michael Murray in the wonderful GBH - a leftwing hypocrite is getting his comeuppance owing to the many sins he has committed, but it has happened, like a House of Cards falling, all at once.

Then I think, well, he has brought this on himself. He has been boorish, violent, sexist, lazy and corrupt. And he chose to do all those things. Yes, it looks like life is really against him at the moment. But he really deserves every bit of it. He has got away with his petty, Deputy Prime Minister fiefdom for long enough. Now he is being called on what positive things he has achieved (if anything), and surely his resignation cannot be far away.

So I say, with a gleeful relish, "Mr Prescott, I look forward to your resignation. And I look forward to it leading to the resignation of your even more odious boss."

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