Monday, January 05, 2009

The Daily Mail Tendency Needs You!


The Daily Mail Tendency is up and running again, with my good friend The Moai pledging (through the medium of a New Year’s Resolution, natch) to blog at least once a week. I will also try to come up with some posts for that blog. But we are also looking for others to write some posts laying into The Daily Mail - Henry North London may also be writing some stuff for us. But we’d like more help…

To understand exactly what we want to do, I’ll answer some questions that would spring to my mind if I was reading this post:

Why The Daily Mail?

There are already some sites having a pop at the tabloid press, and doing it very well. However, The Daily Mail strikes me as perhaps the worst of a pretty hideous bunch. The Daily Mail has an absurd veneer of respectability that hides the worst excesses of this hateful rag. Make no mistake about it, The Daily Mail isn’t about informing or entertaining. It is about spreading hate and lies across the UK. They thrive on fear and ignorance, without any real recourse to facts, common sense or empathy.

Famously, Dennis Potter once likened Rupert Murdoch to a cancer on British society. Well, if Murdoch and his rags are a cancer on British Society, the The Daily Mail represent the slow demise of Britain into barely functioning psychosis.

What would I have to do?

Well, nothing if you don’t want to.

However, if you do wish to write for The Daily Mail Tendency, then select an article you don’t like (and there should be no shortage of them), and deal with it. You can fisk it, you can swear about it, you can highlight it with incredulity, point and laugh at it or tear it apart in a rage. Just send the results to me, and if it meets our rigorous editorial standards (i.e. It has a pop at the target newspaper) then we’ll publish. Any contributions to thenamelesst[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk.

Ooo, and this idea just occurred to me – if you fancy trawling through the comments on The Daily Mail website and highlighting some of the more insane comments to send to us (a la Speak Your Branes), feel free to do so. Although I warn you now (having tried to do this before) you’ll need a strong stomach and a lot of patience.

What do you hope to achieve?

Why does life have to be about achieving things?

Realistically, we’re not going to do a great deal to harm The Daily Mail. Sadly. But we can add a voice of protest against this hate rag, and we may be able to influence just a few people who read that hate rag to make them think about what they are reading, and question it. The more people who question the delusions, ignorance and deceptions of this type of newspaper the better.

Ultimately, The Daily Mail has done a lot of damage to this country. If you want to help rectify that, even if it is just to call The Daily Mail a “load of fucking shite”, get in contact.

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