Sunday, January 04, 2009

Matt Smith: Not black or female, apparently

Amongst the first of no doubt reams of coverage of the New Doctor - from The Independent:
"Smith is not black and he's not a woman, which left some fans wondering why a more daring decision had not been made.."
Fortunately I don't know many Doctor Who fans - I suspect that if I did they would irritate me a lot. But of my friends and family members who watch, and have a passing affection for, the show, none have expressed any thoughts on the Doctor not being black or female. Most of them have said "who he?", closely followed by "well, he looks unconventional." So part of me does wonder exactly who is wondering why a more daring decision wasn't made, and whether in fact those wondering are the editorial and writing staff of The Independent.

I don't really understand why some people are so keen to see the Doctor as black or female (odd how very few people mention Asian or other ethnic minorities, isn't it?) For me, the choice should always be to have the best possible actor in the role, regardless of gender or ethnic background. If Matt Smith is white and male but the best person to play the Eleventh Doctor, then he should play the Eleventh Doctor. To cast someone based on their gender or ethnic background is just as patronising and wrong as not casting someone based on such factors. This isn't about finding a figurehead for equality in British society; it is about the finding a good actor to play an alien on a popular Saturday night TV programme.

This undercurrent of positive discrimination can be seen across society today, not just in the casting for TV roles. Take Harriet Harman, whose campaign for Deputy Labour Leader centred on her gender and her claim that there should be a woman at the heart of British Politics. The truth - particularly given our country is going to hell in a handcart - is that the most capable people should be at the top of British politics, regardless of gender, race or disability. Personally I don't care what the people leading this country look or sound like; as long as they actually have the best interests of the people at heart*.

That gross, utterly unacceptable and completely immoral discrimination existed and exists in Britain today is a fact. But this can't be effectively remedied by favouring those groups within society who have been discriminated against in the past through some sort of positive discrimination. We'll have equality in this country when people are chosen for a job based purely on their abilities and suitability for the role in question; not because of/not because of their gender, race etc. And we'll know that equality has properly been accepted in this country when people don't comment of the race/gender/age of the people taken on a new role or job as a reason for getting that role/job. And instead can safely make the assumption that the best person got the job.

*Given our current stock of bovine, self-serving shits serving in the Commons, the phrase "chance would be a fine fucking thing" springs to mind.

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At 5:31 pm , Blogger RobW said...

I was hoping the guy who played Johnson in Peep Show would get it.

At 5:36 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

I think had Paterson got the role I would have spent my whole time thinking of the various gems that Johnson has come out with on Peepshow. And a swearing, angry Doctor would be interesting, but perhaps not ideal.


At 4:53 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be fair, it's the first time they've cast a child as the Doctor.


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