Monday, October 26, 2009

BNP: Crunching Some Numbers

So, the BNP have claimed that 3,000 people joined their party after Griffin's appearance on Question Time. Which would be more worrying if the overall viewing figures for the show weren't over 8,000,000. Simple maths shows me that less than 1% of the audience were moved to join that terrible party after the leader's terrible appearance. In fact, to be precise, 0.0375% of the TV audience took the plunge and registered. Obviously it would be nicer if the figure was a big fat zero, but just under 0.04% doesn't seem tremendously troubling.

The idea that 22% of people would "seriously consider" voting for the BNP is more concerning. But it is worth noting that "seriously considering" voting for someone when an election is over half a year away is very different to what people will actually do when they get into the voting booths.

Maybe the BNP did get a popularity boost from Question Time; however, in the cold light of day, it is a limited boost at best. And they have grown steadily in popularity in some areas recently anyway. I remain confident that a continued engagement of all against the BNP on matters such as policy - in other words their crude socialism and unthinking, ignorant racism - should leave them wide open to being utterly discredited in the future. No matter what the hysteria might say, there is no chance of the BNP taking power in some sort of electoral racist revolution in the near future.

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At 11:35 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personally find 99% of what that man says to be abhorant and vile. However, it was/is worth noting that he did make one good point; that is that the main beliefs/principals of Islam are not compatable with a democracy that tries to put equality at its heart. Sharia Law and the mistreatment and subjugation of women have no place in our western culture.

I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day


At 11:55 am , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

No, the main principles of Islamic Fundamentalism are incompatible with a liberal society. And Islamic Fundamentalism would be quite compatible with a democracy if sufficient people want to vote for it (although fuck knows why they would).

Griffin's position on Islam is ignorant scare-mongering. He is trying to taint the whole of Islam with the brush of its fundamentalist wing. The main principles of Islam are not Sharia Law or misogyny. That claim is the equivalent of stating that Christianity is all about bombing abortion clinics and executing people who work on the Sabbath. It is, quite simply, wrong.


At 1:12 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...


many thanks for that, I hadn't actually thought about it like that. I fully agree with your point. I should also thank you because now I can say I disagree 100% with that vile man and his party. Nice one, cheers.


At 9:57 am , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

Happy to help.

Incidentally, whilst the BNP are clearly compatible with democracy, I'd argue that they aren't compatible with a liberal society - even though they rely on freedom and tolerance in others to allow them to spew forth their filth.



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