Friday, October 23, 2009

Nick Griffin: Let The Moron Talk

Like many other people I'm sure, I heartily enjoyed watching Nick Griffin get his ass sorely whupped on Question Time. What is even more startling is that it was a panel that largely consisted of second rate (political) personalities. Just imagine how broken Griffin would have ended up if it had been a panel of real heavyweights. Intellectual heavyweights, I mean. Rather than the likes of Griffin, who are just really heavy because they weigh far too much.

But this really does bring into sharp relief the crassness of the likes of Peter Hain and that baying mob outside of the BBC yesterday. Because all those who wanted Griffin banned from Question Time and unable to debate on a national platform would have denied us the wonderful images of Griffin smirking, squirming, dissembling and desperately trying yet failing to salvage even an ounce of credibility from what was effectively an hour of political suicide broadcast live on TV. They would have have denied us the chance for Griffin to air his moronic, ignorant, paranoid and repugnant views and thus show them up for what they are - odious, racist and pathetic.

This won't bury the BNP - unfortunately, there will always be an audience for the knuckle-dragging racism of that party. But the oxygen of publicity is not something to fear with the BNP. Griffin shows that the oxygen of publicity is lethal to the BNP; it simple shows that the ignorant would-be emperor really has no clothes on, and his policies are best classified as repugnant racism.

If we truly want to bury the BNP, then give them a half an hour on Prime Time TV each week to debate anyone with more than a IQ of 32. Let them talk: the more they talk, the more idiotic they become and the more support they will lose. Let them talk: give them the biggest microphone in the country so that we can see just how repulsive they are and how stupid it is for anyone with even an iota of intellect to follow them.

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At 11:02 am , Blogger Joe Shmo said...

Youve got to let this guy continue to speak but Im afriad that I dont think publicity is as toxic to the BNP as you allege.
He said a couple things
- Islam is incompatible with the 'British way of life' and militant homosexuals (or anyone for that matter) shouldnt press their sexual agenda on children, that a lot of people are going to agree with.
Not just knuckle dragging racists either. People will have heard his assertion that "English" or "British" people are not allowed to be proud of the fact and are instead shouted down as "racists".
These are points that have legs outside the M25 and until a mainstream party properly addresses them, the disaffected will tick that BNP box at the polls.

At 11:38 am , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

I'd agree that the three main parties need to do more to engage on issues that matter to people and providing a real alternative to the knuckle-dragging, divisive and hate-filled politics of the BNP. It was quite telling (and depressing) on QT that the clearest and most coherent resistance came from Bonnie Greer, rather than the three main parties.

Yet I think Griffin - even if he did manage to spout a couple of things that might appeal to some - still came out of the programme very, very badly. The questions around Holocaust denial and on Churchill are pretty good examples of things that will alienate most people. And above all, he came across as defensive, shifty, and a tin-foil hat wearing paranoid. If nothing else, QT showed him to be someone who will completely change what he is saying to suit his audience, at the same time as believing that there is a terrible conspiracy against him.

He looked like what he is - an ignorant moron.


At 2:41 pm , Blogger Joe Shmo said...

I dont disagree that he looked like a shifty liar but the same can be said of most politicians Im afraid.

Straw trying to tell a story about Powell instead of answering the moderators question.

The baroness completely ducking the question on her views on homosexuality and civil partnership.

People have tired of politicians trying to be all things to all people. Hesitant to offend anyone in an effort to appeal to all.

Regarding the BNP they (bigger parties) would do better to quiz them on their other policies (the economy, taxation, personal liberties) than to just shout "racist" and "liar".

That doesnt get people thinking. It gets their backs up.

At 4:47 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

I agree that most politicans look shifty these days, but your standard politico on QT is dodging a question on policy. Rather than on Holocaust denial or how they will choose who gets booted out of this country because of their colour of their skin like Mr Griffin.

As for engaging with the BNP on policy, there is an argument that the reason why the main parties don't do that is because the statist approach of the BNP is very similar to their own statist approaches. But I agree with you - they should challenge the BNP on policies. As well as calling them racists and liars. Because the BNP are racists and liars (and pig ignorant to boot) and it is fair game to point that out.

I hope the BNP QT is the start of a proper engagement with the BNP, and that the mainstream parties argue with them properly rather than just hoping they go away. It is only by letting the BNP open their mouths and then pointing out the crap that spews forth that we can properly refute their repellent policies.


At 10:10 pm , Anonymous Amy said...

It is unfortunate that there are people with the same views as Griffin. They should not be allowed to be in politics.

At 8:27 am , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

Whilst Amy seems to be a link to some sort of crappy holiday website, I'd just like to point out that the whole point is that the BNP should be allowed into Politics - so their views can be exposed for what they are. In other words, show the BNP's philosophy up as odious racism.


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