Friday, October 23, 2009

Ken Clarke and Expenses

Poor, poor Ken Clarke. He's been overcharged in the expenses payback scheme:
In a letter to the Tory frontbencher Sir Thomas suggested he should repay £4,733 of expenses claimed since 2004.

But on Wednesday he said it should have been £1,345.
This, lest we forget, ladies and gents, is the extremely wealthy former Chancellor of the Exchequer Ken Clarke who was initially expected to pay back nearly £5k. Instead, he has to pay back £1,345. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but the fact that this very rich man has to pay back anything at all is a pretty good indicator that he did something very wrong. The fact he has to pay back less than was originally thought doesn't mean he is absolved of his... well, let's be charitable and call it a mistake.

And besides, why has this very wealthy man claimed hundreds of thousands of pounds over the past few years in expenses? Now I know some (not least our elected *elite*) will argue that we need to pay exceptionally generous expenses in order to get the best into Parliament. Which would be fine, if we weren't talking about Ken Clarke and the like. Because Ken Clarke really is crap. He's someone who bumbles around pretending to be a man of the people whilst fleecing the people for every penny he can. He is also so politically incompetent and unpopular that he managed to lose not one, not two but three leadership contests - one to Iain Duncan Smith, for fuck's sake. If not paying generous expenses helps to keep people like Clarke out of the corridors of power, then it is yet another reason why we should restrict the amount MPs can take as payment and get people into Parliament who want to serve, rather than just earn.

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At 2:44 pm , Blogger Jackart said...

It's the envy which seeps through every letter in a post like this, which makes me think you're not a libertarian, but a confused socialist in disguise. Same goes for Obo, and the devil, but you've not got tourette's too.

At 4:41 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

Envy? No. Anger? Yes.

I don't really care what people earn until they come onto the public payroll. And only then when they rinse the general public for every penny they can. Then I have an issue with them. It isn't against the rich or the poor; it is against those who stray towards theft and fraud. It is particularly jarring when the person with the hand in their till is a useless fuck to boot.

And I'd say it is pretty Libertarian to be concerned about the already massive amounts of money being spent by the state being further inflated by paying for troughing MPs. Maybe it doesn't matter to a 'Libertarian' Tory, but it does to other Libertarians.



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