Sunday, October 25, 2009

Quote of the Day - Challenging Evil

"Evil comes from a failure to think. It defies thought for as soon as thought tries to engage with evil and examine the premises and principles from which it originates, it is frustrated because it finds nothing there. That is the banality of evil."
Amos Elon (1926-2009), in his introduction to Hannah Arendt's Eichmann In Jerusalem

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At 12:26 pm , Anonymous Ed P said...

So how do we challenge the evil of NuLab's recently revealed politically-motivated immigration policy, which has led directly to the rise of the BNP?
(Arresting Bliar, Straw & Blunkett on treason charges might be a first step.)

At 6:38 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

Well, we could challenge them by questioning them. We'd probably have more joy that way than by trying to arrest them.

I'd like to question why the Labour party - along with the Tories and the Lib Dems - have all danced to the tune of the BNP by arguing for tougher and tougher immigration policies, and in doing so have reinforced the terrible stereotype that immigration is in some way intrinsically bad. Of course, it isn't - actually, immigration is essential to this country. But I'd like to know why none of the main parties have had the balls to say so.


At 8:49 pm , Anonymous Ed P said...

But, whilst arguing publicly for tougher policies, they have actually been following their hidden agenda (of ensuring the country is irreversibly multicultural by covertly increased immigration). This would have been fine if the infrastructure had been allowed to accommodate the influx - because the policy was hidden, councils have not been funded, or prepared, to cope with the numbers, resulting in the mess we have now.

At 10:36 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

In pursuing their tougher policies they have introduced, well, tougher policies. That have helped to ensure that immigrants are stigmatised as being in some way bad, regardless of why they are coming to this country or what they have to offer. The simple fact is that this country relies on immigration, and the main parties all vying to be the toughest on immigration has done nothing to explain that simple truth to the British people. Hence the confusion over immigration, and hence the rise of the BNP.

I don't believe there is an agenda - secret or otherwise - to make Britain irreversibly multi-cultural. I think that is happening anyway owing to the increasing global nature of the world. And I'm fine with that; I reckon it is a good thing. If councils are struggling with anything after 12 years of Nu Labour rule, it is the increased dependance of many people on the state. And that is not just a question of immigrants - a lot of those who are dependent on the state are those who were born here and expect to leech off the taxpayer for the rest of their days.

Immigration is a good thing; it is one of the numerous failings of this government that they have failed to communicate that message.



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