Thursday, October 22, 2009

Palin Writes!

No, not Michael Palin. Sadly.

Forgive me, but I won't be rushing to buy either of these books:

I don't need to read to read about how Palin is a nightmare. She exudes a happy, moronic ignorance towards reality in every single one of her pronouncements and the bitter legacy of the two Bush Junior Administrations shows just how fuck awful having an idiotic Christian fundamentalist in the White House can be. And as for reading Palin's autobiography - well, I'm sure it wouldn't take long but the seven and a quarter minutes it would take to read it would be a massive waste of time. What the fuck does she have to say about anything? Other than she buried the already floundering McCain bid for the White House?

Of course, this is part of a bid for the Presidency. What is worrying is just how popular it seems to be:
Going Rogue, written in just four months for a reported $7m (£4.4m) advance, pushed Dan Brown's new novel The Lost Symbol off the top spot on's bestseller lists earlier this month, over six weeks before publication.
Fucking hell. People want to read the unreadable. But the success of her autobiography is irrelevant. It is her political future that worries me. So let me just make this point clear to any readers of this blog who care: if Sarah Palin were to win the Republican nomination for President, then she (hopefully) would bury that party in the 2012 election. And in the deeply unlikely scenario of her winning any presidential election, I have no doubt that she could and would bury America as well.

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At 5:04 pm , Anonymous The Moai said...

Is the spelling mistake on the second cover incidental, or am I being thick?

At 5:24 pm , Blogger Martin said...

Took me a second to get it, I must admit.

At 8:11 pm , Blogger asquith said...

The Moai- Going Rouge is a book mocking Sarah Palin that was given a similar title in the hope that some barely literate Republicans would get mixed up & buy it. So it is intentional, yes.

"Intended to confuse consumers"- only if they're fucking thick as shit.

WV: kruiti


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