Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Rabies is the answer

This article has two absolute gems in it. First up, we have the clarification from Gordon Brown to voters that he is "on their side". Ha! I assume he is being witheringly ironic. But just on the off-chance he isn't, he should be aware that having to clairfy that you are on the side of the voters after less than a year in Downing Street is not, generally speaking, a sign that things are going well.

Then, and even better, we have Jim Sheridan (nope, never heard of him before either) who is quoted by the BBC in the following way:

"Jim Sheridan had been critical of former Labour ministers who "gobbed off" to the newspapers and said they should be "injected with rabies"."
Magic stuff! And I completely agree. Former Labour Ministers should be "injected with rabies". Absolutely. Not for the crime of gobbing off. I actually think they should be able to express their opinions; but then again, I believe in democracy. But injecting them with rabies - in a controlled - environment - could be fun. Imagine Charles Clarke with rabies. He would be more angry and bitter than he already is, which would be a sight to see! Of course, John Reid already looks like he has rabies, but maybe a second dose could finish the pug faced moron off for good.

In fact, let's extend it. Let's give all Labour politicians a dose of rabies. Yeah! That sounds like a plan! Not only would watching the Nu Labour thieves suffering in agony be a bit of a laugh, but rabies is also fatal. We could get rid of them once and for all - and this might be the only way to do it, given Brown's fear of elections.

There you have it - the answer (some of) the problems of modern politics. Give the Labour Party rabies.

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At 11:18 am , Blogger Devil's Kitchen said...

Rabies also induces hydrophobia. Since Charles Clarke generally looks as though he hasn't washed for a week, may we deduce that he already has rabies...?



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