Friday, November 19, 2010

Foot In Mouth Disease - Young Edition

While there might be the possibility of making the case for what he said, you really do have to wonder just what the hell Lord Young thought he was doing when he said this:
"...the vast majority of people in the country today, they have never had it so good ever since this recession - this so-called recession - started."

He pointed to the savings that "most people" had made on their mortgages as a result of interest rates remaining at 0.5% for the past 18 months.
See, I have no media training whatsoever - and, more often than not, a deaf ear to what it is right or wrong to say at any given moment - but even I can see just how craptacular it is to use the phrase "never had it so good" in relation to this recession. What sort of a special kind of moron do you have to be to think "yep, yep, that's what I want to say to a media outlet that will then reproduce my words to as wider an audience as possible?"

Still, we should take the time to note that one Ed Miliband is on hand to give us some unexpected and, no doubt, unintentional humour - as the BBC reports:
Labour leader Ed Miliband said Lord Young's initial appointment reflected badly on the prime minister as the peer was "out of touch with people".
Ed Miliband - one of the former playthings of the ever-odious Gordon Brown - should know about people being out of touch. After all, it came to be one of the defining features of the last Labour government of which he was a senior member...

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At 10:23 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that his comments about us being in a recession were utter nonesense, and in very poor taste. However, I think his comments about us never having had it so good are actually pretty fair.

I can see that if you have just lost your job, then sure, you'll think it's the worst thing to ever have happened. However, if you look at the country as a whole we have great healthcare, free schools and education, we've never (by enlarge) owned more material things. Also, we need to not be quite so insular, we need to compare ourselves to other countries like India or Africa, where they don't have our high standards of living. In many ways, even though we are having it tough right now, we are still incredibly lucky and have far more than many countries around the world.

We need to step outside of our own individual worlds and see things in much broader, general terms and compare our standards and what we have to those of people who really are in the shit.

In that respect I actually agree with Lord Young, we have never had it so good.

At 10:43 pm , Blogger DJ Flagship said...

To the anonymous comment above, I agree wholeheartedly with your messaage about stepping outside of our own worlds, and realising, in comparison, that we're better off than we think at times, so I think you make a very good and fair point, although I would argue that we're a LOT worse off culturally and politically nowadays. That's just my personal opinion though.

Strangely enough though, I thought Cameron handled the situation rather well, on both a personal and objective point of view. He managed to act quickly in order for Ed Miliband not being able to paint all the Tories with the comments of Lord Young.

At 12:04 am , Blogger Pavlov's Cat said...

What sort of a special kind of moron do you have to be

There's nothing special about this moron, it just seems to be something that affects people that no longer have to earn a wage, either by 'making it' or in the case of our current crop of 'rulers' inheriting it and indeed actors /pop stars.

As soon as it happens that you actually don't have to work anymore (if at all) They just try to tell everyone else how they should live their lives.


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