Monday, November 15, 2010

Student Morons

Via the ever melodramatic Penny Red*, an interesting comment from one of those idiotic students who rioted last week:
"Look, we all saw what happened at the big anti-war protest back in 2003," says Tom, a postgraduate student from London. "Bugger all, that's what happened. Everyone turned up, listened to some speeches and then went home. It's sad that it's come to this, but..." he gestures behind him to the bonfires burning in front of the shattered windows of Tory HQ. "What else can we do?"
What else can you do? Well, perhaps you could try negotiating in the year or so before these fee and cuts rises come into effect before you resort to violence.

See, there is this thing you might have heard of called diplomacy. It allows for people to talk, to negotiate with each other and come up with a peaceful solution. It is what countries do when they don’t agree on things – a dispute between rival nations tends to lead to further talk, rather than sending in the bombers.

What else could you do, Tom? You could have talked – tried to persuade the government to change their plans, or persuaded the people to back you in your dispute with the government. Instead, you and your idiotic ilk have managed to alienate pretty much all moderate people in this country at the same time as making the government – and the Tory party – into the victim in this little drama. The riot, the broken windows, the possible attempted murder charge – what you and your friends did, Tom Not Nice And Dim, is pretty much the worse thing you could have done. Any sympathy most people may have had has gone – and it is your fault.

*As an aside, check this article out for some more jaw-dropping hyperbole from Ms Penny - where the student rioters are compared to the suffragettes.

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At 9:58 am , Anonymous Will Jones said...

Putting it in that context, it's kind of ironic that they've done the very thing they criticised Bush and Blair of doing, acting before speaking. Ironic and pleasurable; I would love to make that comparison to some of them.

At 11:22 am , Anonymous Giolla Decair said...

My jaw dropped as well when I sw that article, a person I know linked to it saying how much Ms. Penny had expressed their views.

Also great minds (or something)...

At 1:01 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the 'Student Moron' raises a pretty good point actually...

If my memory serves me correctly, it was estimated to be over a million people who protested the Iraq War and they were all completely ignored by parliament.

It's all good and well saying that issues should be discussed and resolved peacefully, but what are we supposed to do if the government are not listening?

We went to war with Iraq despite the overwhelming majority of our Country being completely against it.

How many times must we request our troops be withdrawn from their conflicts? Would that not also save us a huge amount of money?

At 11:40 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

I think the 'Student Moron' raises a pretty good point actually...

Oh, goody. I hope you've got something great to say. Actually, that seems unlikely. I just hope you're not going to be a twat.

If my memory serves me correctly, it was estimated to be over a million people who protested the Iraq War and they were all completely ignored by parliament.

No, they were not ignored by Parliament. Next.

It's all good and well saying that issues should be discussed and resolved peacefully, but what are we supposed to do if the government are not listening?

With a good 12 months to go before the cuts are introduced, who the hell are you to say the government isn't listening?

We went to war with Iraq despite the overwhelming majority of our Country being completely against it.

Not true. The Iraq War was - initially, and traumatically - popular. The majority were for it.

How many times must we request our troops be withdrawn from their conflicts? Would that not also save us a huge amount of money?

Yes, it would save us a huge amount of money. But, sadly, the vast majority of people in this country are not requesting that. I know, I know, it's an unpleasant truth, but you should probably start the process of learning to cope with it...


At 8:32 pm , Blogger TonyF said...

I have to agree, initially I was in favour of the war in Iraq. Which perhaps was a bit silly, 'cos I went out there. However, with the information we were given WMDs etc. I seemed to be the right thing to do.


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