Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Lib Dem Defects

News reaches my inbox that LPUK now has a City Councillor after Gavin Webb defected from the Liberal Democrats. In a press release he says:
"The party, like the Conservative and Labour parties, has become a party of the establishment. It has unfortunately firmly wedded itself to the belief that there are primarily government solutions to the problems facing our country, and in the process, they are adopting policies that undermine our rights and freedoms as individuals... There is however one political party - the Libertarian Party - that believes in giving responsibility back to individuals over their own lives and their own finances; and it is this party that I have now decided to join."
Yep. If you actually believe in Liberalism and Democracy, you'd be best off in the Libertarian Party of the UK. The Liberal Democrats have an optimistic name but time and time again they show themselves to be anything other than Liberal or Democratic.

Genuine change won't come from within the establishment, and therefore won't come from the main parties. If you want geuine change then you could do far worse than joining the Libertarian Party.

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