Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Hain and the BNP: Cowardice

Peter Hain will be boycotting Question Time if the BNP appear on it. Losing Peter Perma-tan Hain true tragedy for Question Time, I'm sure you'll agree. But fortunately - with his legendary eloquence and common sense - Hain explains why he isn't going to go on Question Time with one of the BNP knuckle-draggers:
“I was horrified when I heard about this, because it makes them [the BNP] appear as if they are another political party sitting on a panel along with democratically-elected parties.”
Hmm. Well, as much as I despise the BNP and their empty socialism and racism, even I have to concede that they actually are a democratically elected party. They have been since they won seats on local councils. Oh, and getting MEPs elected as well. To claim that they are not a real political party is not only an attempt to bolt the stable door after the horse has bolted, but it is also an attempt to deny reality. It is correct to abhor the policies of the BNP; it is completely wrong to deny the political reality that the BNP can win votes and are part of the democratic process in this country.

In fact, I'd argue that the rise of the BNP is in part down to the failure of the Labour party - and every other party in this country - to make the case against the BNP, and to offer people in this country a real alternative to the status quo. Hain is following the old strategy in relation to the BNP of sticking his head in the sand in the hope that they will go away. Unfortunately, the strategy didn't work. The main party policy of silence on the BNP allows them to get away with their unthinking ignorance without being called on it. And guess what? It helped them to win those seats on local councils, and helped them get those MEPs.

No doubt Hain sees his boycott as a chance for him to champion himself as a progressive politician refusing to give the cowardly and ignorant BNP a real platform in this country. Unfortunately, he comes across as the coward. He comes across as a man who won't debate the BNP because he is afraid of making his case. Regardless of his intentions, ducking a debate with the BNP isn't the noble thing to do. The BNP are a political reality in this country. Failing to engage them on their idiotic policies will only work to help them. The more they are unchallenged, the more influential they will become.

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At 4:38 pm , Blogger Jayce Kay said...

Possibly its not the prospect of the debate, maybe its the thought of the BNP obtaining a sample of his DNA?

At 5:58 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK Hain is an illiterate grandstanding superannuated leftie, but I would suggest that it is the failure of other parties to address the problems that cause people to vote for the BNP that gets them democratically elected.

At 3:58 pm , Anonymous John Bull said...

Ye gods that Hain bloke makes me want to puke just hearing his slimy voice,put him on the same table as the BNP and i think id have a brain seizure.
I think the main partys are to blame in part for the BNPs small successes,but i think its mainly down to votes from people who are as stupid as they are but are dumb enough to think that they,under a BNP government would be living the high life ruleing the rest of us as an elite.
Dumb,unthinking pawns.


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