Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Lawless Minority

Conference season is the prime time for politicians to say the right sort of thing that should please the voters without actually stating how they are going to achieve their typically lofty soundbites. El Gordo isn't going to disappoint us; his pronouncements on crime are near perfect examples of saying the right thing without giving any time whatsoever to the practical aspects of policy implementation. Let's take a look at a couple of examples:
"Whenever and wherever there is anti-social behaviour, we will be there to fight it."
Really? You will be there to fight it, Gordon? What, all of it? Every bit of anti-social behaviour? God, you're going to be travelling around the country a lot. And what precisely are you going to do when you confront these anti-social types, Gordon? Chin them?
"We will not stand by and see the lives of the lawful majority disrupted by the behaviour of the lawless minority.

"Because the decent, hard working majority are getting evermore angry - rightly so - with the minority who who will talk about their rights but never accept their responsibilities."
Yes, Gordon, we are sick of the lawless minority. In particular, the lawless minority in the Commons. They should be dealt with. They are making a lot of the decent majority in this country very angry. So sort them out, Gordon, and maybe people will start to support you. Except you won't, will you? Because you are one of the political minority pissing from a great height onto the people of this country. So all your words are largely meaningless, Gordon. So rather than spouting shite at the people in this country, maybe you could just drop dead. And fuck off whilst you're doing it.

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