Thursday, January 29, 2009

LA Fitness seem to be doing this campaign at the moment to get people up by using the imagery of Full Metal Jacket - right down to shouty, angry looking drill sergeant and all. It is a bold campaign, and I dare say it will work with some. Although I can't help but remember how that particular section of Full Metal Jacket ended.

Yet it is not just the ever present threat of murder-suicide that puts me off this campaign. It is everyone I have seen on the streets handing out leaflets for it. They have been, without exception, fat. And not just a little bit tubby. But fat. Even the faux-drill sergeant who was leading his platoon of human teletubbies up and down the road outside work on the first day back after Christmas had something of the beached whale about him.

Which I just don't get. Surely, the people advertising this tiresome gym should not only look like people who would actually use the gym, but also people who have used the gym successfully? Maybe I'm missing the point, but by having tubs of lard handing out leaflets for a gym makes me think that by joining that gym you pile on the pounds and end up a heffer. And I don't need to join a gym to end up like Billy Bunter. I could just sit in the comfort of my own home, eating pies...

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At 1:47 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's perfectly possible to be fit and fat at the same time - there are plenty of studies that show how much exercise you get is far more important for your health than what size you are, and it's debatable whether size has any adverse effect on health at all for most groups. A good overview on this is in Paul Campos' book The Obesity Myth, and a good blog resource is Junkfoodscience.

At 8:55 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

I have to claim ignorance on the question of whether weight is as damaging to health as is often thought - I'll take a look at that blog. However, the issue with the campaign is one of perception rather than reality. A lot of people associate health with being thin - therefore, it is counter-intuitive and possibly counter-productive to have fat people advertising something relating to exercise and health.


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