Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The EU Datasbase - Are you going to get a place on it?

Via DK, I see that Raewald has a list of the offences that could get you dumped on the EU database of "subversives." The list itself makes for eye-opening reading, but I'd just like to point out two of the things on the list that have my eyes wide open with both incredulity and fear:

Insult of the State, Nation or State symbols
Insult or resistance to a representative of public authority
Insult to the state or the state's representatives? Surely that is the sign of a healthy democracy, rather than being something that should have you listed as a subversive? Holy Mother of Fuck, the contents of this blog would probably have me listed as a subversive and, as we all know, any state that has a lits of subversives is not going to tolerate those subversives for long.

And just go look at the list, and see where you might fit onto the list. Another favourite of mine: "Prohibition from frequenting some places". That could mean being barred from a frigging pub by an awkward publican!

There are caveats attached to the list, as is pointed out in the comments on DK's place. But fucking hell, any organisation that is pulling together a database of subversives should be a massive concern to its citizens. And this should be a warning to any politician who blindly accepts the EU status quo. It needs to be resisted - even if by doing so, you end up on the database of subversives.

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