Friday, January 16, 2009

Christanity, Starkness and Getting On With The Job

See, if I turned up to work and then refused to my job, I'd get a warning. And if I did it often enough, I'd be sacked. Quite right too. But then again, I'm not a Christian:
A Christian bus driver has refused to drive a bus with an atheist slogan proclaiming "There's probably no God".
Well, we all know that those who have "faith" are believe themselves to be beyond criticism in the workplace - that's nothing new. What is particularly striking about this god-bothering lackwitted fucktard are his powers of reasoning:
"I think it was the starkness of this advert which implied there was no God."
Uh-huh. So this advert was stark. Let's hold on for one moment, and remember what the advert actually says:
There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.
So, the advert encourages people to enjoy life. And says that there probably isn't a God. It is optimistic, and it does not deny that there might be a God. This is not a stark advert. If anything, it is too neutral. If this muppet wants to see a stark advert, then it would go something like this:
"There definitely isn't a God. He's made up, dumb fuck. And if he was real, he'd be a cunt."
Now that's stark.

And is this Ron Heather's faith so weak that he really feels challenged by a fucking neutral advert? His Christanity is hardly rock-solid, is it? As an atheist, I don't see an advert for the Alpha course or some other preachy bag of shite and suddenly find faith, so I don't see why this advert should create any problems for someone with the Christian faith.

Also, buses will carry adverts. I'm surprised Heather hasn't noticed before. Is it part of his make-up that he has to agree with whatever his buses are advertising? If so, how does he cope when there is a horror film out? Or is the advert for, say, Saw IV less stark than the humanist one?

I try to be tolerant, I really do, but I have to say that had I been Heather's boss I'd have told him to shut the fuck up and to get the fuck on with his job. Or piss off and find a new one.

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At 2:38 pm , Blogger Kemi said...

Beautifully put! You'll like this too...

At 10:55 pm , Blogger banned said...

While agreeing with you entirely may I ask how you feel about the Muslim employed in a Public Service canteen who finds an aversion to pork based cooking ?

At 12:06 am , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

There is a difference between a Muslim cook in a kitchen who finds himself reluctant to cook bacon - which is just part of his job - and a bus driver who refuses to drive his bus because and advert on the side states that there probably isn't a God.

I'd have more sympathy with the bus driver had the message been more atheist and more aggressive.



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