Tuesday, January 13, 2009

George W. is leaving the building...

...or will be in a few days time. 

The BBC has an article about what Bush might do with the sudden increase in free time for him. For a lot of people, it is probably difficult to care what one of the worst Presidents in history is going to do with his retirement. But one comment in the article did stand out to me - from Bush himself:
I think it's going to be real important for me to get off the stage.
Yes, George. In more ways that you could ever possibly imagine. 

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At 11:45 pm , Blogger banned said...

In his day Ronald Reagan was portrayed as a simpleton ex-actor lost in the complicated world of power politics.
In retrospect he, together with Mrs. Thatcher, won the cold war bloodlessly by facing down the Soviets until they bankrupted themselves and collapsed under their own "internal contradictions".

Likewise, in about 5 years, we will begin to look at George Bushs' two terms in a different light. We in the West still have no idea just how serious some Muslims are in their determination to overthow us.


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