Monday, August 04, 2008

Holiday Loyalty and Holiday Snaps

So, despite the muted opposition of Robin, the Boy Blunder, the vultures are being seen off by the support of perhaps the greatest politicians in the history of the world:

Alistair Darling, Harriet Harman and John Denham have declared their support for Gordon Brown.
At least Gordon can rely on the support of an incompetent, skunk faced cunt, a woman who if she was not able to define herself as a feminist would cease to exist altogether and a minor minister who no-one really gives a fuck about anyway. With supporters like these, who really needs enemies?

But I predict that the speculation about Brown will die down a bit. Mainly because everyone (at least in the political mainstream) is on holiday. And even Gordon Brown, perhaps the most incompetent politician in living memory, will struggle to fuck up whilst he doesn’t have to do anything. And consequently it will be far easier for Darling et al to support Brown whilst he can't actually fuck up. The speculation will begin again once he is back from holiday, and he gets to illustrate just what an uber-cunt he is on a daily (and sometimes hourly) basis.

However, even whilst on holiday, the Labour leader still manages to appear awkward and somehow almost inhuman. This is one of his holiday snaps:

I mean, seriously, who wanders around, by the water, wearing a grey jacket? Could he look anymore awkward? Could he look any less like he wants to be on holiday? Every photo that has been taken on Gordon Brown whilst he is on holiday seems to show him as a man who just can’t stop being formal. In everyone of his holiday snaps, he looks like the bastard offspring of Alan Partridge and Mr Bean. What is worse is that these snaps are clearly photo opportunities. Even when Brown stages the event, he still looks completely inhuman and out of place.

Compare those photos with young Hug A Husky Cameron’s:

Yes, he falls into the trap that all men who wear shorts fall into – he looks like a total tool. But at least he looks like a man on holiday, and a man who wants to be there. You get the impression Cameron likes being on holiday, and likes every now and again not having to work. You don’t get the same vibe from Brown – he looks like someone who has been forced to go on holiday, and is hating every second of it.

Which is Gordon Brown’s tragedy. He is a workaholic who is quite simply shit at his job. If the man wasn’t such an out and out tosser, I would almost feel sorry for him. But since he is a cunt of the highest order, I genuinely hope he has a miserable holiday and a miserable return to work. And until he stops burdening the country with his pasty white face and his egregious, misanthropic outlook, I hope every day is fucking misery for him.

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At 10:49 pm , Blogger Andrew Zalotocky said...

Gordon Brown is the Ed Wood of government. Wood loved making films. It was his great consuming passion, but it was also the one thing he was worse at than anyone else in the world, so his tragedy was to be utterly committed to something he could never do right. So it is with Brown. He loves the power of government and has spent his whole life plotting to gain control of it, but once there all he can produce is Plan 9 From Number Ten.


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