Friday, July 25, 2008

Glasgow East: Not Getting The Message

Wow. Labour actually managed to lose one of their safest seats in the country. Which is nice. I'm no supporter of the SNP, but it is nice to see this godawful party further slip towards well-deserved electoral oblivion.

They'll be lots of comment about this defeat; Labour are going to have to work hard to spin this as anything other than a total fucking disaster. That isn't going to stop them from giving it a go though. As we can see in the words of the slightly delusional Des Browne, commenting on this leader:

"Gordon Brown, in my view and the view of the party, is outstandingly the best politician in the country. He is a man of known strengths - the country knows his strengths."
Yes, we do know his strengths. Sulking, fucking up, hiding from problems and generally being a shitbag. Which is why we continually vote for other people when the opportunity arises.

And if Gordon Brown is "outstandingly the best politician in the country" then we are all royally fucked. It also doesn't say much for Browne's self esteem that he rates himself as inferior to the dreadful Gordo.

"At the end of the day, when you ask them who is the man to see us through these tough times, they will tell us that…"
Yes, Browne, they will tell you. They are consistently telling you who the man is to see us through these tough times. However, if you actually listened, then you would realise that they are telling you that Brown isn't that man.

But since this message seems to beyond the limited capacity of Browne (and, one suspects, the rest of the Cabinet) they should heed Cameron's call and have a snap election. The message should sink nicely in when the electorate resolutely tells Nu Labour to fuck right off...

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