Tuesday, May 27, 2008

MP Expenses: Virulent, Life Draining Parasites

Parasites can be harmless, you know. There are some that get what they want without really damaging the hosts. However, there are other parasites that keep on draining the host, until that host is broken, despairing, and unable to contemplate life without that parasite, no matter how massive the impact of the parasite is on the host.

Our MPs are parasites. Which of the two categories do you think they fit into?

If you haven’t gone for the latter option without giving it a second thought, then read this:

MPs could seek to avoid future expenses criticism by awarding themselves an automatic lump sum of £23,000 a year for second homes, a newspaper says.
I’d imagine that such a move would prevent them from receiving criticism for expenses. However, should such an idea become policy, it should led to the electorate as a whole screaming “thieving cunts” at MPs rather than criticising their expenses.

Still, the proponents of the plan have another reason for this plan:

The move would avoid the need for MPs to submit claims backed by receipts.
Uh-huh. Because we really don’t want them to need to submit receipts. They can be trusted, can’t they? I mean, in no way have they ripped the living piss out of the expense system even when they have the requirements to submit receipts, have they?

But they’ve set the precedent, now, with this plan, so I’m going to go to my boss and ask her for her feedback on me claiming £23k without offering any receipts. I fully expect her to tell me to fuck right off. Which is fine, because when the MPs come to me at the next election with these proposals/this policy, I will tell them to fuck off. Using my vote.

And I suggest everyone else does the same to these parasitic arseholes who are so determined to drain the taxpayer's money.

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