Thursday, May 22, 2008

Election 2008: I win the popular vote, not Clinton!

Clinton’s still not winning, but that won’t stop her from continuing to fight. And why would it? After all she is winning the popular vote.

Sort of.

If you count the votes cast on the contests that don’t count. And those that Obama did not try to win. So basically, she’s winning if you ignore the rules.

Which I think is a fantastic way to win. And I’m going to use it myself. Yep, I am going to extend Clinton’s logic to prove that I have won the Democratic nomination for President myself. See, I going to count a vote that hasn’t been counted (mine) and I’m going to further bend the rules by ignoring all the other votes that have been cast. Therefore, I’m the winner. And I won by a freaking landslide! Seriously, 100% of the vote. I rock! And come November, I’ll kick McCain’s ancient butt like it has never been kicked before!

But seriously, the Clinton campaign is now so shafted that she has become the child screaming at the other kids who are still playing a game that she has been excluded from. How long until she actually says "it isn’t fair! I still want to play! Let me play! LET ME!"

Message to Clinton and her supporters. Give it up. It has got pathetic.

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