Friday, February 08, 2008

ABH: Anyone But Huckabee

Mitt Romney has suspended his campaign for the White House. Interesting language, that – "suspended". Almost as if he is giving it all a short break, and will resume fighting for the nomination sometime next week. Anyway, he’s out of it. What did for Mitt? Probably his strangely egregious campaign (nicely spoofed here) which consisted of funding adverts from his own fortune that attacked his opponents without really advocating himself.

We are now in the curious, and worrying, position where there are only two people in the Republican primary season who have won states – John McCain, and Mike Huckabee. It is the latter name that is so worrying. Now, I’ve banged on enough about the problems of Huckabee, and why he appears to me to be utterly demented. But the terrifying thing is he still has a shot at the presidency, and (failing that) the vice-presidency.

So I’m starting a campaign: ABH*. Anybody But Huckabee.

The objectives are simple – to send two key messages across the Atlantic:

1. To the Republicans – stop voting for Huckabee. Seriously, just stop it! It is not big, it is not clever, and if Huckabee ever got into the White House, then the US will have no friends.

2. To John McCain – It may be politically expedient to offer a space on your ticket to Huckabee, but the fact that it is politically expedient doesn't make it right. Stand by your principles (I'm assuming he has some, I know) and consign this daft, ignorant man to the dustbin of history.

Join me, friends, enemies, Americans - join me in trying to stop this man who makes Mahmoud Ahmadinejad looks like a sensible moderate getting anywhere near the White House.

*Which can also stand for Actual Bodily Harm, natch.

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