Friday, January 04, 2008

Iowa 2008: A Scary Result

Democracy in action over in the US, as a small number of voters from a tiny state decide who they would like to fight an election (a lot) later in the year. And they came up with Mike Huckabee and Barack Obama.

That's the Mike Huckabee who could best be defined as a Christian fundamentalist. Actually, scratch that, the Christian fundamentalist fuckwit who once took a phone call from God at a political fundraiser (h/t Mr E). But such gimmickry extends far beyond tedious fundraisers. when asked about science and creationism Huckabee replied:

"Science changes with every generation and with new discoveries, and God doesn't. So I'll stick with God if the two are in conflict."
Another gem:

"At one appearance, Huckabee — who's been known to make fart jokes in front of the state legislature — said he would oppose gay marriage "until Moses comes down with two stone tablets from Brokeback Mountain saying he's changed the rules.""
Or how about:

"And he recently scored a rare offend trifecta, simultaneously pissing off immigrants, Jews and the pro-choice crowd when he ludicrously claimed that a "holocaust" of abortions had ­artificially created a demand for Mexican labor."
Yeah, Huckabee may be charming but he is a religious nut and general ignoramus. As a potential leader of the US, he's fucking scary. He strikes me as the Christian equivalent of Ahmadinejad: whilst being inexplicably popular in their home countries, they actually have the beliefs and scientific knowledge of a religious bigot from the Middle Ages.

But Huckabee has achieved one thing: he has made Obama - a man who would consider invading Pakistan, for fuck's sake - look like the credible, sane option in a general election between the two.

Of course, this is the first caucus of a loooonnnngg primary season and an even longer presidential election campaign. Things could change. And whilst I don't get a vote in the US elections (for the obvious reason that I am not a US citizen) I can't help but hope that those who do vote get a better choice than between a man who makes George W. look like a moderate and a man who would put troops into Pakistan.

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