Friday, April 13, 2007

Lethal Pot Noodles

The BBC is reporting on the high drama of the Pot Noodle recall. Apparently faulty packaging could mean that the hot contents could spill out and scald victims.

Frankly, if you are willing to eat Grot Noodles and are not a poverty stricken student you deserve scalding. And it is not the heat of the contents of the Grot Noodles that is the problem because, let's be honest, Pot Noodles are actually made from freeze dried tramp's vomit. If I were to make a really cheap horror movie (and, God willing, one day, I will do) then I will be using Pot Noodles as a cheap substitute for diseased alien entrails.

In summary - Pot Noodles - proof that God does not exist. And if He does, He hates His human creations.



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