Sunday, December 19, 2010

On Cage Against The Machine

I support pretty much anything that represents a slap in the face to that massive tit Simon Cowell. I see The X Factor and its odious ilk as a resounding death knell not just for our culture, but for our society. Voting for the latest no-talent non-entity being judged by Cowell inspires far more debate and opinion that even a General Election - which is one of the reasons why this country is headed to hell in a handcart.

So I do support the sterling work of Cage Against The Machine. I've been a member of their Facebook group since the summer, and like the idea that silence is preferable to the latest pile of toss from the anodyne, amorphous blob who happened to win in Cowell's show. But my support does have its limits.

See, I'd rather a period of silence (or background noise, depending on how you look at it) won out over the alternative, but I have to say that I'm not actually willing to pay for either. I can get silence for free, right here, right now. I don't need to pay for it.

Which is rather my point. I'm all for making a song and a dance about the negative impact The X Factor is having on the UK. Unfortunately, in their choice of track. Cage Against The Machine aren't making a song about it, and that means that if they do hit number 1 today, then it will have been without my help.

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At 6:49 pm , Blogger TonyF said...

I agree, it would have been much better to have anything than nothing. As you say, I too am not willing to purchase 'silence' when I can find it for free.

As for programs for the hard of thinking, like 'x factor' I find the use of the off switch most apposite.


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