Friday, October 08, 2010


God, I hate them. Seriously, they do my head in. And thus make me even more misanthropic than usual.

It isn't the concept of giving to charity - I'm all for that. It isn't that they're raising money in the street - if its for a cause they feel passionately about, then of course they're going to use every means possible to make money. No, what bothers me is the *zany* types they have doing the chugging. You know the ones I mean - the ones who give idiots a bad name. Those who dance around in front of you even if you're pretending they don't exist. Those who get in your personal space believing that's a good way to get you to part with your hard earned cash. And those who shout out a crude description of you in order to get your attention ("beardy!"). Fuck off already! If I was in any way interested in your charity, I would give to it online. A prancing prig with a clipboard is not going to make me more likely to give to your charity. In fact, the opposite is true.

And there are now so many of these lacklustre, attention-seeking goblins on our streets that it has become a veritable epidemic. It is like certain areas in certain cities have developed a strange disease - a form of veneral disease for particular streets. "Don't go down Main Street! It's got herpes chuggers!" I think there is some sympathy from some for these people as they are collecting for charity. Well, I don't share that symapthy - these people are paid to act like dicks in public.

So here's the deal - I'm not going to give to any charity that employs a chugger who irritates me. If charities want to collect money on the street, that's fine. But employing jumped up little shits with all the people skills of a spoilt toddler is not good enough, and won't be a way to get any money from me.



At 9:50 am , Blogger The Filthy Engineer said...

Try that strategy.

At 9:57 am , Blogger Mark Wadsworth said...

I've seen far fewer of them since the Lib Cons got into government; and there's been a lot less fakecharity advertising on telly and in the newspapers.

Be thankful for small mercies!

At 1:21 pm , Blogger manwiddicombe said...

I too dislike them although they do form an essential part of the "see who can make their chugger cry first" urban activity. So they do have *some* use :o)

At 9:51 pm , Anonymous Ed P said...

The sad thing is that chuggers cost the charity up to a year's income from the monthly debit. So if you are foolish enough to sign up, your donations are supporting chuggers, not the charity, for the first year. Since most people regret their weakness and cancel the debit soon afterwards, it can actually result in a loss to them!
My method is: avoid them if it's a charity I like and sign up, then cancel after one payment if it's one I don't like. Ha ha, up yours chuggers!

At 6:50 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they weren't (ostensibly) collecting 'for charidee' then the Police would probably continuously move them on/arrest them.

Frankly I can't stand the sight of them. And if you ignore them some feel entitled to skip 10 feet to block your way whilst cheerily trying to tell you what to care about.

They're a pestilence - and their employers always seem to be leftist in outlook.


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