Saturday, October 02, 2010

Climate Change - Blowing Up the Enemy

Once again, I'm late to the party. But I'd now like to add my own little voice to all the other angry statements being thrown around about this video:

It is supposed to be a joke, apparently. But as DK points out, it isn't funny. Not even in a bad taste sort of a way. It is simple, stupid and offensive. It's crass. It is, at best, a massive misjudgment on the part of the 10:10 campaign. But I'd also agree with Mr Eugenides - I don't quite believe this is an incitement to murder, and anyone who genuinely takes it as such is getting a little hysterical.

However, for me this is very revealing of the mindset of many people involved in the environmental movement. They have become convinced that they have found a "truth" - that the survival of the human race is dependent on pursuing the policies they back. And this is not something that is open to debate anymore - what they believe in is the truth. Those who don't agree aren't equal parties in a debate. They are wrong. Worse, they are being obstructive in the creation of a better tomorrow. And, as this video shows, they are lacklustre, lazy people who just can't be bothered to help build a utopia and avoid future dystopia. Hell, you wouldn't miss them if someone in authority blew them up.

Of course, it isn't just the environmentalists who fall foul of this sort of thinking. Pretty much anyone who has discovered the truth starts to believe that those who oppose them are a little less than human. That's how Stalinism came into being. That's how the nightmare of the Khmer Rouge came about. And so on. And that's what environmentalists have to avoid. Those who oppose them aren't doing so because they are bad in some way - they do it because they are not convinced by the evidence and/or the suggested policies to change the world.

Which is the point of plurality, democracy and debate. If you want to silence people, then win them over through talking with them. Because whatever this video was trying to achieve (and I genuinely don't know what that was), it has done nothing other than further alienate me from their cause.

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At 5:42 pm , Blogger Longrider said...

It has been suggested that the whole thing was a double bluff to make it go viral. Are they that smart, I wonder?

At 5:45 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

I suspect they are, yes. If so, then it's worked - it has gone viral. But in another way, it's going to fail - since the climate change camp just look like absolute arseholes with this sort of thing "arguing" their "point".

At 5:57 pm , Blogger asquith said...

This city was apparently the first to sign up to 10:10.

The estate I grew up on used to have regular fights against the estate they've taken a photo of for that article. I didn't take part myself though.

I remember one of the organisations that backed 10:10 was called Beat the Cold. I thought if they wanted to beat the cold, wouldn't they support global warming?

Yeah, I'll see myself out. I know where the door is by now :)

At 6:29 pm , Anonymous Monty Cristo said...

Gotty published the sponsors of this bunch so when I'm on a forum with this topic I just point out that the joke is on the taxpayer, we paid for this propaganda via:

The Carbon Trust
The Energy Saving Trust
The Guardian

Hopefully the last 3 will note the comments and choose the organisations they sponsor with a bit more rigour.

At 6:59 pm , Blogger TonyF said...

Global Warming?

Not that long ago (Geologically speaking) Where I am sitting was a warm shallow sea. Not that long afterwards, less than 100 miles north of me, was the edge of the Ice sheet.

The planet warms, it cools, get over it.

However, it still doesn't pay to shit in your own water supply, so being environmentally friendly is sensible for other reasons.

At 7:53 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

However, it still doesn't pay to shit in your own water supply, so being environmentally friendly is sensible for other reasons.

Well, yes - I've no problem with people telling me it makes sense to be environmentally friendly because it makes the world a more pleasant place. However, when they tell me I have to believe in Climate Change or be blown up as some sort of species traitor, well, I've got to take issue with them.

Humans do have an impact on the environment. It just isn't the world-destroying impact that the environmentalists make it out to be.

At 8:35 pm , Blogger Bucko said...

Yeah I was late to the party aswell so there's no point me adding anything as it's been said. I have seen the blogs that ran the video but I cant watch Youtube at work so your copy is the first one Ive actually watched just now.

Having read the apology before watching the video, my mind has completely boggled as to how they could think it was in any way funny.

At least they did back down. Thats another score for the blogoshpere

At 11:00 pm , Blogger Guthrum said...

Its the tragic group think that generated this nonsense that is worrying.


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