Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ted Heath's House

Edward Heath's house for sale. Strange, you might think, since the corpulent so-and-so met his maker a few years ago. Why is his house only going up for sale now?
When he died five years ago, Sir Edward Heath left his home to the nation.

The former Prime Minister hoped "Arundells" would give the public a better understanding of his life and achievements.
A-ha! Clearly, Heath's arrogance never deserted him. Even when making his will, he still thought he was a political giant that people would give a fuck about. The reality is somewhat different. The majority of people don't care about Heath and those that do tend to see him as a failure. Hardly the best background for a tourist attraction, is it?

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At 9:46 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent. A strident lesson to all those egotistical fuckers who choose to spend their life in so called public service seeking a place in history

At 5:41 pm , Blogger TonyF said...



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