Friday, May 07, 2010

Quick Question

Given he lost the election, and that the other parties are studiously working to create a coalition that does not involve him, and given his own party have stopped their normal, platitudinous and always unconvincing support for him, given all that, the question has to be asked: why the hell is Gordon Brown still in Number 10?

There's a constitutional precedent and maybe even a constitutional need for him to stay on until a coalition or a minority government can be confirmed. But the longer he stays there, the more awkward it will become. For his party, for the (likely to be) incoming government, for his country, hell, even for him. So maybe the quick question needs to be rephrased:

At what point does Gordon Brown go?

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At 8:32 am , Blogger JohnRS said...

He wont jump, he'll have to be pushed. The security staff will need to pry his fingers from the door frame.

Despite having conclusivly failed to achieve anything in the election I doubt if he will go unless CallMe Dave and Wotsisname publically state that they'll vote down and Queens Speech he may attempt to present to Parliament. This would officially end his claim to be the incumbent. The Queen could then be able to ask another leader (ie our dynamic duo) to attempt to form a governement.

But can you see either of these spineless failures doing this?

At 8:54 pm , Blogger PJH said...

At what point does Gordon Brown go?

After the October election?


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