Thursday, May 06, 2010

Vote... tactically.

So, I've been thinking for quite some time about who to vote for today. And it hasn't been easy. Every party - other than the idiot ones* - have some policies that appeal, and some that don't. And, generally speaking, the policies I like are outweighed by those that I hate. Leaving me with more reasons not to vote for parties than reasons to vote for them.

Consequently, there's no-one for me to vote for, this time out.

Fortunately, there is still a way for me to vote. Not by voting for someone, but instead by voting against a party.

Yep, my vote this time out will be cast in an attempt to get the Labour party out of office. I'm voting against Labour.

Of course, this means voting tactically. Which means holding my nose and voting for a party that I don't really believe in. But fuck it - it's worth it. Because this Labour government has been utterly atrocious. It has bankrupted the country, and decimated civil liberties. It has bailed out failed banks and upped taxes as a result - with no net gain for the taxpayers they are supposed to represent. They have foisted an unelected and absolutely incompetent Prime Minister on us. And, time and time again, they have been caught with their hands in the till. And there's even more: they have dragged us into illegal wars and not bothered to equip the troops tasked with fighting those wars. This government has been atrocious.

So, if like me (and if you don't happen to have a Libertarian candidate - if you do, please vote for them) you can't bring yourself to vote for a party, then vote tactically to not only get rid of this Labour government, but to reduce it to a mangled, charred rump of what it once was. I don't want Labour to just lose this election, I want them to be destroyed at this election. If you agree with me, and don't feel a tribal loyalty to any one of the other parties vying for office, then join me in using votes as weapons to show this incumbent government of thieves and morons precisely what we think of them.

A good result tomorrow morning is one that shows that the Labour party has been utterly broken and humbled at the hands of the electorate.

*The BNP is also an idiot party, but I'm not linking to those knuckle-dragging racists.

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