Tuesday, May 04, 2010

The Non-Labour Labour candidate

I'd agree with this fella - which is unusual, as the tool in question is a Labour candidate:
A Labour candidate has launched a personal attack on Gordon Brown, saying he is "the worst prime minister we have had in this country".

Manish Sood, who is standing in North West Norfolk, added that Mr Brown was a "disgrace".

Mr Sood called Labour ministers "corrupt"...
He's right in much of what he says. But there is one small problem. If he believes all that, then why in the name of Jesus, Mary, Joseph and all the little baby orphans is he running as a Labour candidate? I really hate the Labour party too, so I'm not going to vote for them. I can't help thinking that this will be far more effective than Sood's strategy of wasting his life by being a Labour candidate.

Still, there is a novelty factor in Mr Sood. He is the self-hating Labour candidate. And I suppose that this is the political epoch that would generate self-hating Labourites...

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At 1:34 pm , Blogger Matt M said...

He didn't say he hated the party though, he said he hated certain ministers and disagreed with certain policies.

Not only does it seem to be a perfectly coherent position, I think it's also a pretty admirable one. If more party members were willing to speak their mind the parties might be in a slightly better shape than they are now.

At 1:41 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

He hates certain ministers, and thinks that Brown is the worst Prime Minister we've had (and therefore, he must have preferred some sort of Brown's Tory predecessors). Even if he doesn't hate his party, he's still not a big fan of it in its current incarnation. Which he is fighting to join...

I understand what you're saying, and also get the idea that dissension within parties can help them to change - but this chappy really doesn't seem like a natural (or from the party's point of view, good - did they not interview him, for fuck's sake) candidate.

At 1:50 pm , Blogger Matt M said...

I imagine the Labour Party is struggling to find any candidates at the moment - so they're probably happy to take what they can get.

You're right on the comment about Brown (I obviously didn't read that properly the first time), as it does suggest he'd prefer someone like Margaret Thatcher to our current PM, which is certainly an extreme position for a prospective Labour MP to take!

(Word verification: "unity")


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