Friday, September 04, 2009

Sighing at Royal Mail Strikes

There are terrifying threats. Like the threat of nuclear war. Then there are the empty threats. Like swine 'flu, which is probably a pisser if you get it, but about as threatening as, well, a heavy cold. And then we have the completely pointless threats that resemble a child having a tantrum. Which is how I would assess the threat that the Royal Mail might strike. It would be scary if it wasn't so risible.

See, these days, the Royal Mail are shit. You don't get any delivery before early afternoon. On Saturdays, you aren't going to get any mail at all, even if there is some to be delivered. And Bank Holidays for the Royal Mail now take out two working days either side of the Bank Holiday - which means since they don't work Saturdays, you ain't getting any mail for Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or the Tuesday around the Bank Holiday. Oh, and woe betide you if you happen to be expecting a parcel. If its dimensions happen to be too big for the postie's bag, then all you're getting delivered is a pre-prepared note telling you that you were out when they tried to deliver the parcel. Even if you were actually in. Then you're going to have to go to the Royal Mail depot to pick the parcel that someone else paid to have delivered to your home. Shit, isn't it?

And no, I don't live in the middle of nowhere. I live in a city. Where it should be fairly easy for the Royal Mail to do their jobs.

Of course, this post won't change the way the Royal Mail behaves, and it won't stop the strikes. But I just want it on record - I think that a Royal Mail strike* is about as scary as a pacifist monk in a fist fight. When you are as shit as Royal Mail operative, not working for a day is largely indistinguishable from actually working.

*Perhaps the biggest impact is LFAT not doing his first class posts.

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At 11:10 am , Blogger Jayce Kay said...

Calling the 'Royal Mail' shit is an injustice to shit.
Pretty soon they'll all strike themselves out of a living and people will adapt beyond a self-dismissive Postal Service.
We won't of course, we'll merely bend over and pull the cheeks apart again ready to be screwed over by an organisation that should be serving us.

At 11:19 am , Blogger James Higham said...

Royal mail is so appalling in its service that one wonders if they're even bothered with how they appear to us.

At 12:54 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

I watched an interesting scene this morning. Well, early afternoon. A neighbour of mine had got one of those "sorry you were out when we wanted to deliver your parcel" cards. Or course, he wasn't out and waited by the entrance to the apartment block to catch the postie and get his parcel. The postie told him he didn't have the fella's parcel and that it was my neighbour's job to pick up the parcel from the Royal Mail depot. Unfortunately, my neighbour just meekly accepted this. But it does lead to two questions:

1. At what point did it stop becoming the postie's job to deliver the mail, regardless of whether it was a parcel or an envelope?

2. What are we paying for when we send something if the recipient has to walk to the Royal Mail depot to pick it up?

Let 'em strike. It will make fuck all difference.

At 12:37 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are striking over pay, yet they don't even deserve the pay they do get!


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