Friday, September 04, 2009

Nigel Farage, UKIP's Ex-Leader

This is a curious move; just as UKIP seem to be making themselves into more credible political organisation, their leader steps down. I understand his logic in that he wants to do his battle in Buckingham justice, and that he simply has too much on his plate. Nevertheless, it is an interesting time for him to step down. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any other leader who has stepped down after a successful election campaign (as the Euro-elections certainly were for UKIP). As with all unexpected political resignations, it does make me wonder whether there is another, more convincing reason for Farage's departure as leader bubbling away beneath the surface. What is said is often far less interesting that what is left unsaid.

It also makes me wonder who will be the next leader of UKIP, and whether they can be anywhere near as successful as Farage, who managed not only to raise the profile of UKIP but also hold the disparate and often self-destructive factions of the party together. Farage claims UKIP aren't a one man band; he may be right, but I struggle to think of any other high-profile member of UKIP, let alone one who could effectively take over from Farage. UKIP could achieve their long held ambition of getting an elected MP in the House of Commons, but at the great cost of losing the most effective person they could have as leader. A Farage win in Buckingham could be a pyrrhic victory for his party as a whole.

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