Friday, January 09, 2009

*That* reshuffle

Nothing quite has the electric excitement of a Liberal Democrat shadow cabinet reshuffle. You can read a full analysis of Clegg's groundbreaking and extremely relevant work here. Make no mistake, the changes here will have an impact far beyond the narrow confines of Parliament, and will resound throughout the nation.

No, of course they won't really. The vast majority of people won't know that there has been a Liberal Democrat shadow cabinet reshuffle, and those that do probably won't care. Even members of that party may end up shrugging their shoulders and asking the question "so what?"

In fact, given the numbers of MPs who are actually Liberal Democrats, you would have to be a pretty shitty Lib Dem MP not to get into the Shadow Cabinet. It is hardly an achievement; turning up to Parliament is probably the main requirement to become part of that "select" group.

I have a friend whose auto-signature on his e-mail reads "Executive Vice President." Now, knowing this guy, I expressed some surprise that he could be in an executive, vice-presidential position. But on close analysis it became clear that whilst his job title was Exectuive VP, his job was actually the most junior in the company - save for the cleaners. Executive Vice-President is a meaningless title.

And when I hear of Liberal Democrat Shadow Ministers, I can't help but feel that they are the "Executive Vice-Presidents" of the political world. Because, for all the drama of their titles and supposed responsibilities, they actually wield very little power and have very little influence. Their job titles are little more than ego boosts for their holders.



At 10:19 am , Blogger Letters From A Tory said...

The number of Lib Dems relevant to mainstream politics can be counted on one hand, easily.

At 2:24 pm , Blogger Dungeekin said...

'Shadow' Cabinet is singularly apt in the case of the Limp Dumbs.

Shadows are equally insubstantial.



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