Thursday, January 08, 2009

Idiot of the Day

This, from Anatole Kaletsky in The Times, must be satire:

The next logical step, although it may be politically controversial, would be to do the opposite of what the Tories suggest. Instead of reducing taxes on interest payments, the Government could tax all bank deposits and other risk-free savings. This would create a negative risk-free interest rate, encouraging savers either to invest in property, shares and other productive assets - or simply to save less and consume more.
Just in case it isn't a joke, I thought I'd print my concise response:

Go fuck yourself. Cunt.

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At 9:57 am , Blogger Mark Wadsworth said...

TAS, go to this thread on HPC and read comment 13.

At 9:57 am , Blogger Jon said...

You are too polite.

At 6:22 pm , Blogger asquith said...

This is part of a deeper malaise in the media, that they only speak for themselves & imagine the rest of the world is like them. La Toynbee can't begin to understand a hard-pressed small businessman, Kaletsky knows nothing & cares less about small savers like me who play by the rules & get fucked up the arse whilst cunts get all the rewards.

People like David Freud & Workhouse Purnell who spout shite about the disabled are in a similar condition.

It really came home to me when I read those fuckwits in the Independent, mouthing off about how this is the "worst year ever" for house prices because they've fallen so much.

Well, if you're not a homeowner, especially if you're someone who wants to buy, it's actually quite good that greedy, deluded fuckwits have been taught the lesson that if they want something they have to do a fucking day's work rather than stick it on the plastic & bricks.


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