Saturday, January 17, 2009

Banks, Government: Transparency for one, nothing for the other

Gordon Brown is calling for more transparency from the banks:
The prime minister has demanded that banks admit how many "toxic assets" they have on their balance sheets. Gordon Brown told the Financial Times the banks had to "come clean" about these bad debts so people could trust them again.
Uh-huh. This would be the same Gordon Brown who is heading up a government with precisely no intention of coming clean about their own expenses, let alone their own toxic assets. Although the latter could be embarrassing; imagine Gordon saying "yeah, we've got this massive toxic asset on our books. You may have heard of it. It is called the NHS." It would be nice to see the government here leading the banks by example, though. 

Although Gordon does have a point; if the banks do come clean then maybe people will trust them again. It is a measure of how delusional, intellectually stunted and emotionally retarded Brown is that he does not realise that the same thing applies to him and his cronies in the House of Commons. 

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