Friday, September 05, 2008

Work 'Til You Die

David Blunkett wants old people to work for as long as they can:

"My presumption is this. That all of us, every one of us who is capable of doing so, should aspire to continue with some meaningful activity to the point of our incapacity overtaking us."
Just one small question springs to my mind - what meaningful activity is David Blunkett currently taking part in? It is a complete mystery to me - as far as I can see, the former Home Secretary (a man who is far from old himself) has not been involved in any meaningful activity since... well, since... actually, has he ever done anything meaningful? I'd be all for someone like the later Mother Teresa - someone who worked up until their final days - expressing this opinion. For David Blunkett - a poisonous piss midget of a man who gives the human race a bad name - to express this opinion when he does nothing other than sponge off the tax payer jars a little. In fact, it jars rather a lot. And as a result I can't help but note that David Blunkett is a hypocritical fucktard of the highest order.

Of course, a Nu Labour politician being hypocritical is nothing new. Hypocrisy is their mission statement. But every now and again, like with this, one of the Nu Labour overlords shows just how hypocritical they are, and how their detachment from reality is now only really bested by a communist dictator at the very height of a personality cult. Blunkett's comments offer further proof that we are ruled by rancid cocks who don't deserve the right to pontificate in public and get their comments reported by the national media. Blunkett et al shouldn't expect us to work as much as we possibly can; rather they should retire from sponging off the public purse just so we don't have to work until we drop dead to pay them for doing precisely fuck all of any worth.

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