Thursday, September 04, 2008

Another Fight Is Coming

From Devil's Kitchen:

"...but I am finding it difficult to get really worked up about politics: the NuLabour government has the stench of death around it and we are just waiting for the whole tired edifice to topple over and finally give up the ghost."
I'd agree - it is clear beyond all reasonable doubt that Brown is a cunt, but he is also a cunt on his way out. And there are only so many times and different ways in which you can swear at someone, however evil and incompetent they may be, before it becomes a bit, well, samey. Dissing Brown is increasingly becoming like dissing John Major in 1996 - kicking a dead man on hs way to the grave.

DK goes on to say:

"And then we can get stuck into Cameron and his merry men..."
Quite. I've detected a a rise in the anger and spite of the left wing blogs, as they prepare for a lengthy period in opposition. But for anyone hoping that the Libertarian section of the blogosphere* to become silent in a miasma of contentment after the now seemingly inevitable rise of Cameron to power are whistling in the wind. Ultimately, for a Libertarian Cameron is part of the problem. He is definitely not the solution.

*I hate this word with a passion; quite how it passed into common parlance is beyond me. Although thinking about it, opart of the reason may have been people like me using it.

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At 12:51 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could be so sure - I'm very disappointed with some of the coverage of the US elections from "libertarian bloggers" in recent weeks (i.e. basically just towing the Republican line).

At 6:26 pm , Blogger JuliaM said...

Aargh! It's 'toeing'...!!


But agree with this: "Ultimately, for a Libertarian Cameron is part of the problem. He is definitely not the solution."


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