Friday, January 11, 2008

An Open Letter to Peter Hain

Dear Peter,

I’ve noticed that you have run into a little trouble about your donations during your unsuccessful run for Deputy Leader of the Labour Party. I also understand that this has now been escalated via a complaint from a Tory MP. Apparently you are also massively in debt.

Frankly, this could not happen to a nicer person.

You are the uber cunt in a party filled with corrupt, two faced, mendacious bastards. You are the perma tanned proof that absolute power corrupts absolutely. You have not one ounce of dignity, otherwise you would have already resigned – not just from the cabinet, but also as an MP. You are the embodiment of why people in this country hate Nu Labour, and hate politicians as a whole. Your snout is so far in the trough of corruption that I am surprised you do not choke to death on your own greed. You sicken me – you look and behave not unlike the syphilitic flange of a dying prostitute, in my humble opinion.

I hope you are forced from power, dragged through the courts and utterly disgraced for your egregious corruption. And I hope that this also brings down the government of total shits who currently run this country.

Yours sincerely,

The Nameless One

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At 8:17 pm , Blogger Fidothedog said...

Agree with every word, lets hope that he ends up broke, out of office and his goods seized by bailiffs to cover his debts.


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