Gordon Brown's Signature
One of the more interesting things about the biographies of politicians on Wikipedia is you can take a look at their signature. And if you are so inclined, you can then examine that signature in line with basic graphology.
You can probably see where this is going, but here is Gordon Brown's signature:

His signature goes downwards: "A downward slant or lines with trail off the page indicate depression or physical exhaustion."
His signature is uneven and irregular: "Squiggles and irregular strokes indicate an artistic and non standard approach."There we have it: Gordon Brown is an introspective, depressed and exhausted person who follows a non standard approach. Which, in fairness, should be news to precisely no-one at this point.
glenrothes by election vote for snp they have not been in power for very long and see what they have done gordon brown p.m once wrote a book named where there is greed [margret thacher and the betrayal of britains future] on the top ofpublishing page it says [to the consituents of dunfermline east who have more reason than mostto look forward to the end of the [thacher era]
I thought the signature appearing under the Supreme Leader articles in Private Eye was meant as a joke. It looks like that of a schoolboy or a Mr Bean character, and I took the joke to be how, whilst presenting himself as Mr Stalin, he was actually Mr Bean.
Then I discovered it's his real signature. Yikes!
Then I read his Wikipedia entry. Oh! It's funny how your opinion of someone can change just by discovering little snippets about them. He has a PhD in history following university entry at sixteen, was blinded in one eye playing rugby, and is, strange as it seems, a human being.
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