Monday, January 08, 2007

Defending Ruth Kelly

As much as it pains me to say it, Ruth Kelly has done nothing wrong in sending her child to a private school. I'm grimacing as I type, but I have agree with Blair's spokesperson when they say it is a matter of individual choice. As much as I may dislike Ruth Kelly, I have to concede that if she has the right to spend her money as she wants. Even if it is on fees for a private school.

However it does indicate something about the complete lack of Labour success with the education system that a minister has to send her child to a private school to get a decent education. Just as the Labour Party Chair protesting at the closure of a maternity ward in her constituency indicates how badly Labour have done with the NHS.

Funny, isn't it, how Nu Labour only manage to grudgingly acknowledge their failings when their ministers are personally going to be affected by those failings...

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