Sunday, September 03, 2006

Built to Last or Pile of Arse?

Yesterday morning I received a letter from 25 Victoria Street. Letters with that return address fill me with a slight dread as the only people I know who would write to me from that address are the Conservative Party. And they are normally asking for some of my money.

However, whilst it was a letter from the Tories, somewhat wonderfully it was asking for my opinion rather than my cash. It seems young Dave Cameron has been working hard and has come up with some policies. And he wants me to vote on them. Hoorah!

Except -


He has come up with a booklet. 11 pages long. With 8 points in it. And he mentions climate change in the first paragraph.

To be fair I haven't read the complete document yet - I haven't got 7 minutes to spare at this particular moment. And I will read it, and vote on it. But my gut feeling is not good. Because the party of Disraeli, of Churchill, of Thatcher has been reduced to an 11 page booklet. All the history and policies of the party have been reduced to a document that makes a bastard ladybird book look like War and Peace. For the first time since 1992 it looks like the Conservatives can win an election, and for the first time since then it looks like there is no point in us doing so. As we have nothing to say.

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